Pola Carmen: Perspectives and resolutions 2022


“…Although we live in the same world, each of us knows something that the other does not know, and our vision of the world is unique, absolutely personal. In this sense, each of us is a unique universe. Painting is the way to tell others what we cannot say otherwise, and like music, it is not expressed through words. It could be lines, images, imaginary writing used repetitively…” we summarize Pola Carmen

The artist contributes through two paintings taken from his series “ Not possible » to the collection ARTIST spring-summer 2022 " BETWEEN THE LINES », during the session presented from January 14 to January 23, 2022.

Let's come back to your work, give us the codes to read "between your lines »

“…Our eye, to truly see, our body to truly experience, needs impregnation.

This is what painting reminds us, which is a form to experience, a form in front of which, this is the fact of real paintings, we can stand every day and at night too and never have finished seeing it. , never having exhausted the sensation... »

So, these traits which are the artist’s vocabulary, what do we see?

“…That they are not really straight, nor quite horizontal, nor quite vertical, not even continuous, sometimes long, sometimes shorter, sometimes close together, sometimes disjointed…”

It seemed like a grid, something geometric at first, but we think more of a sort of frame now. Weft because… Something textile is present there! This is the power of painting, if we give it time, if we not only put our eyes and our body in a state of availability, the painting awakens in us the memory of sensations which will soon bring forth words like so many memories and another way of seeing. Weft and textile, the canvas could itself be a woven surface... As if the painting brought to light a hidden structure in the manner of an unveiling... This irregular way of crossing the pastel lines.

The traits themselves, because of their thickness, due to their tremor which betrays the hand of the artist, due to their arrangement, seem to vibrate and come alive before our eyes. And then this weft, like a ghost of fabric, at the edge of the tear on its lower edge, or in its center, or even on the right where something opens and frays.

At the start of 2022, what are your plans?

“My paintings are unfinished sentences, the beginnings of stories whose continuation must be written… My work will undoubtedly evolve more in color, but will always remain singular I imagine, and always in abstraction. »

“Several orders are scheduled for 2022, a new series on paper derived from “ Possible » Already profiling. »

“On my wish list, I would really like to do a residency. »

“I'm thinking about going elsewhere... To breathe even if in my current campaign, I breathe with full lungs, but for a change of air. I think everyone wants and needs it right now. »

One last wish?

“Yes, I would dream of setting up my work in a chapel in the countryside. The environment, the simplicity of the walls, the austerity, the light, the shadowy corners, the cold of the stones, the heavy silence...

One day I was asked to do the stained glass windows for a chapel, I had an idea...! »


Pola Carmen born in 1953, lives and works in Rémalard-en-Perche, in the countryside of the regional natural park, in lower Normandy in the department of Orne (61).

She studied painting at the École de Beaux-Arts in Tours, then ceramics at ENSAAMA. Pola Carmen also attended the Pascal de Vautibault sculpture workshop in Paris.


Publié par Viviane VGM, Rédactrice du Magazine Artist La marque.

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