Quality doesn't lie, it highlights the great art of little touches, those little details that make all the difference. For ARTIST, it shows respect for others and for work. The claw ofArt-to-Wear recite without moderation this sacred word written in his genes. Treating all women with respect requires this demonstration of consideration. To dress them with rigor and integrity, it is about giving resonance to what is done with feeling, sincerity and seriousness.
As a way of being in the world, the quality approach thatARTIST advocates looks like generosity. Another form of elegance, chosen and shared. Stamped with indelible ink, this quest for the irreproachable comes close to virtue. The 2 co-founders envisage nothing without striving towards excellence. With determination but logically because quality goes without saying in their human and artistic adventure.
At Studio BFIt's very simple, quality is a profession. Between creation and final distribution, we find this intransigence. Devote the necessary time to each step, guide each choice, weigh each decision, take risks and their consequences into account. Without ever losing sight of this imperative: placing quality at the heart of all tasks.
A timeless quality
Throughout the seasons, the beautiful craftsmanship of the clothes ARTIST keeps them relevant, designed to last, off the beaten track of ephemeral fast fashion.
A versatile quality
Functional and chameleonic, we easily combine the lows and highs of the same theme or from one session to another. Adaptable to all situations, the models transform between everyday relaxation and dressy outfits for a special occasion.cial.
Quality clothing
From design to completion, each process is carefully scrutinized to guarantee the best result, based on objective criteria in compliance with standards.
The creations, often piecesAndthese complicated, “five-legged sheep”, require great precision in their creation. ARTIST has therefore put in place specifications and rigorous controls for all phases of production.
Quality know-how
Behind the scenes, no one is sparing their efforts. ARTIST fights an endless battle every day, refining the methods. Here, no skimming, expeditious is not in the vocabulary. Accuracy wins thanks to the teams’ solid knowledge.
Style and print work, technical and graphic tests, pattern making and prototypes, fittings: everyone masters the codes. If we listened, we could listen to the pencil, the scissors, the stitcher...
Technical sheets, washing and wearing tests, validations. If we could spy, we would see the smiles of relief, the looks of approval.
THE qualitys professionals, acquired through years of experience, perfect the processes. Seamstresses, pattern makers, controller, buyer, stylist, salesperson and preparer, each is a qualified artist.
With the desire to learn more. The “square” power quality.
Quality at the heart of the relationship
Brigitte and François make it a point of honor to maintain a relationship of trust with their faithful suppliers, manufacturers and partners. This reciprocal allows to combine their creativity with industrial or artisanal expertise.
No new textures or never-before-seen accessories without this mutual understanding. No color intensity, no rendering identical to the artist's work, without calibrating and calibrating from one fabric to another, from one grain to one density. Everything is meaningful: tactile and softness, among other criteria.
No loss of fabric thanks to the vigilance, care and performance of the makers. The placements on cutting tables, the assembly of the yokes, the delicacy of the finishes contribute to the personalization of a model passed from skillful hands to rigorous hands.
Between the weaving, printing or manufacturing workshop, shipments and receptions intersect.
When small hiccups occur in the timing to be respected, ARTIST apologizes systematically. Human and therefore imperfect, the united team remedies this by redoubled with united goodwill. At all costs,Orders are sent in the pretty boxes that aficionados collect.
The quality of the exchange
ARTIST strives to place its customer at the heart of its advice and support system before and after the purchase. Handle any request with attentive listening, with a smile and empathy. Offer a permanent and responsive service by email, chat or telephone. React to expressed or potential needs with fluid help and an easy size guide. Instantly counter possible points of disappointment with easy feedback. Recognize a possible imperfection. Explain that a clumsiness is not a fault, repair it in all cases.
The improvement of quality
It is a perpetual concern, a continuous attitude to aim for high quality to anticipate and preferences, perhaps to exceed the expectations of all customers. Justify the reasonable cost of recognized product quality. Persevere in an involved professional environment but with enthusiasm and optimism, always!
At ARTIST, wouldn’t we have the faults of his qualities? Do everything to make everything possible, believe in it and mobilize. Convey a transparent message through carefully crafted unique pieces. Capture constructive criticism to become better. Become an increasingly endearing brand.
Publié par Viviane VGM, Rédactrice du Magazine Artist La marque.
Comme toujours depuis mes nombreuses commandes ,je suis ravie d’avoir reçu la semaine dernière le top, le gilet vert et le pantalon noir de la collection . Tout est très beau , original et marque votre spécificité , le soin affiché à la confection , à la livraison . Merci beaucoup pour votre considération à la clientePour être cliente depuis des années, je ne peux que confirmer vos propos. Merci pour vos belles créations qui font notre bonheur.
Artist La marque:
Tout d’abord merci pour cette fidélité et merci pour vos propos qui font aussi notre bonheur. Bien à vous. Brigitte et François
Le mer. 18 oct. 2023 à 15:01, <Sunny@comment.sunnysideapps.com> a écrit :
Merci pour votre rigueur. J’espère pouvoir acquérir le haut col rond de la collection “Artic” en taille 34 si vous avez des retours en janvier. Étant à l’étranger je n’ai pas pu commander à temps.
Vos collections toujours plus belles les unes, comme les autres. Merci de mettre des couleurs, continuez de nous faire rêver. Cordialement.
Artist La marque:
Merci à vous. Belle journée Brigitte et François Le 17 oct. 2023 à 10:22, Sunny@comment.sunnysideapps.com a écrit :
Votre message nous touche particulièrement car c’était la première fois. Merci pour vos mots.Nous vous souhaitons un bon voyage .À très bientôt .Belle journéeBrigitte et François Le 16 oct. 2023 à 15:01, Sunny@comment.sunnysideapps.com a écrit :