ARTIST puts its seamstresses in the spotlight
Army of the Shadow, a small team that has worked hand in hand with Brigitte and François for a long time. There are three of them: Annie L., Christelle and Annie. Artist would like to salute their many skills. They know everything various techniques for making a garment. Beyond that, they are very familiar with the complexity of models ARTIST. They clearly understood the spirit of the brand and it is this perfect understanding from upstream to downstream, this solid complicity with the designer Agnès P. and the artistic direction which leads to the impeccable tailoring of each piece.
Since a young age, they have practiced, practiced and practiced again. Over time, their skill flows naturally. As if it were sewn on the skin, their know-how inhabits them and is expressed in the intuitive and controlled gesture of the professional.
Their role is essential, complementary to the rest of the team, it contributes to the success ofARTIST.
For sure, they really don't have two left hands and know how to adapt the originality of each collection. The 5-legged sheep doesn't scare them. On the contrary, they like Artist because there is nothing repetitive. From session to session, they are asked to bring new things and they succeed. Equipped with a “hand”, they shape the prototype to perfection. Capable of transposing the unit into industrial series, they perfect the method and make it usable for production.
It is both an ancestral artisanal activity and an equally very old industrial activity. The two statuses always coexisted until the 1980s, a decade during which the “family” seamstress almost disappeared. Who didn’t go to the seamstress with my grandmother as a child?
Great respect therefore for the gold they have in their hands and the many qualities that their profession requires.
In addition to the manual skill and dexterity that we envy them, they demonstrate patience through all odds.
In fact, making a garment often requires dozens of hours of work and requires going through stages of varying length. For example, allow between 20 and 30 hours to make a jacket!
Change plans along the way, find ideas to deal with the constraints encountered? Gifted with extraordinary precision and responsiveness, there is no doubt that they will bypass them. Ready to tackle any difficulty that could give them a hard time, they search, persist, test, persevere and always end up solving the problem.
Their seamstress vocabulary talks about patterns, seam values, notching, stripping, etc.
And when you don't have the codes, it's a bit like looking for a needle in a haystack!
From straight edge to edge, from width to angle, from thread to needle, manufacturing is carried out step by step by scrupulously following the assembly range.
Forward stitch, reverse stitch, back stitch. Create volume using pliers. Overcast, overlock, stitch, topstitch…. They would be able to put a camel through the eye of a needle!
What a beautiful craft, a guarantee of good workmanship and good quality! The House ARTIST knows you are in good hands to create your own fashion.
Each body is unique, there is no standard morphology: the shapes and colors are chosen, the clothing adapts, and not the other way around! These three wonderful seamstresses hold this secret, a recipe that continues to enrich the collections. Thank you ladies.
Publié par Viviane VGM, Rédactrice du Magazine Artist La marque.
Merci de nous faire partager leur expertise ! Je suis cousette domestique, depuis mon enfance j aime la couture. Merci!
Non, pas deux mains gauches!!
Je suis gauchère et ma main fonctionne à merveille 😉😚