Artist moves from “La Marque” to “StudioBF”.

« Artist - the brand »
will become
« Artist - the BF studio »
« Artist - the BF studio »
It may be a detail for you, but for us it means a lot 😌
We explain everything to you:
If legal issues linked to the preservation of our brand were the spark for this change, reflections on identities quickly took over.
If legal issues linked to the preservation of our brand were the spark for this change, reflections on identities quickly took over.
Here is the crux of the matter:
Between “clothing brand” and “creation studio”, which side of the scale would Artist lean?
We felt the need to more clearly express the creative values of ARTIST through our name.
Thousands of fabric samples, artists' paintings filling the walls, spools of thread of all colors, sewing and weaving machines, sketches of clothing strewn on the floor, folders of buttons, pantones... Our offices look more like creative studios than those of brand managers...
And that's not all,
Like artists, we produce very small quantities, to order, we do not waste, we have little or no stock, all our pieces are numbered, our prints are 100% exclusive, the cuts come from our imaginations only. .
Like artists, the collections are financed without intermediaries, directly by you: the co-producers
And finally we have made choices of ultra proximity with you, we respond as much as possible in person, on the telephone, to comments, to emails, and each month we also lend ourselves to the exercise of live thanks to the presentations of live collections.
Without any judgment, few fashion "brands" can describe themselves like this, and this is why we felt the need to differentiate ourselves, to assert ourselves by replacing the word "brand" with the word "Studio" (under hear “creation studio”).
And finally we have made choices of ultra proximity with you, we respond as much as possible in person, on the telephone, to comments, to emails, and each month we also lend ourselves to the exercise of live thanks to the presentations of live collections.
Without any judgment, few fashion "brands" can describe themselves like this, and this is why we felt the need to differentiate ourselves, to assert ourselves by replacing the word "brand" with the word "Studio" (under hear “creation studio”).
We will therefore become Artist - BF studio
BF as in Brigitte & François
BF as Beautiful & Fantastic
As always, a smile above all,
The Artist Team.
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A bientôt,
dite « VAVA »