ARTIST: every day, every woman
Officially dedicated to the fight for women's rights, March 8 is sometimes misunderstood. It even happens that the relevance and validity of this date are called into question.
In its artistic approach, ARTIST celebrates all women every day.
Through so much creativity, the concept of Art-à-Porter constantly expresses its admiration for the women who wear it, for all the others, who may or may not be convinced one day. The two co-founders let their hearts speak, giving the full measure of their talent through clothes that celebrate femininity in all its forms.
They are customers or perhaps will become one, they are partners, guest artists, suppliers, models... The brand sends them their recognition and thanks. At ARTIST, parity is not a subject, women are in the majority.
Day and night, weekdays and weekends included, they are highlighted. Everything is designed for their well-being in all their everyday or exceptional actions. The ARTISTstyle celebrates their freedom, accompanies their movements, supports their emancipation.
Brigitte and François creators of ARTIST.
The BF studio rubs shoulders with femininity, is inspired by public figures or anonymous women, and is aimed at this entire half of humanity, extraordinary people endowed with an extra layer of soul:
mother, daughter, amazon, mermaid, goddess, fairy, sister, cousin, friend, queen, brunette, blonde, redhead, poet, flower, neighbor, colleague.
Celebrated in many countries around the world, March 8 reaffirms the importance of the fight for women's rights and pays tribute to the fights, past and present, waged in favor of equality between women and men.
This day comes from the history of feminist struggles waged on the European and American continents.
February 28, 1909, "National Woman's Day" (National Woman's Day) is celebrated in the United States at the call of a Party in America.
Following a proposal from Clara Zetkin in August 1910 in Copenhagen, a group of women celebrated the first "International Women's Day" on March 19, 1911 and demanded women's right to vote, the right to work and the end of discrimination at work.
Russian women brought it back into fashion on March 8, 1917 during a large workers' demonstration in Saint Petersburg where they demanded the return of the men from the front as well as bread.
Soviet Russia was the first country to formalize it in 1921.
A Women's Day in Europe was organized in Belgium on November 11, 1972, in the presence of Simone de Beauvoir.
Established in 1977 by the United Nations (UN), this organization invites all countries on the planet to celebrate a day in favor of women's rights and international peace.
On March 8, 1982, at the initiative of the MLF and the Minister for Women's Rights, Yvette Roudy, the government of François Mitterrand gave official status to the day in France.
Beyond this commemoration of the status of women in the world, ARTISTlikes to make its contribution to the diversity and grace of women.
Publié par Viviane VGM, Rédactrice du Magazine Artist La marque.
Bonjour à Brigitte et François,
et au photographe. Félicitations pour la magnifique photo des créateurs d’Artist, esthétiquement très réussie et porteuse de sens. Amicalement.
Merci pour nous rappeler l’histoire de cette journée historique, même si elle n’est pas célébrée dans le monde entier, loin d’en faut
Et merci pour prendre soin des femmes à travers votre imagination et leur tenue vestimentaire colorée.