ARTIST: A responsible concept

“A very nice brand that respects the environment. » Speedwell

 “A responsible economic approach that speaks to the values ​​I hold. » Isabelle

 “This way of doing things is in line with my ethics and I don’t want that to change. » Valu

 The most eloquent words come from our customers, undoubtedly. Nothing speaks more than your testimonies.

Within ARTIST, we ensure the coexistence of our ART-à-PORTER and our consideration of social and environmental aspects throughout the life cycle of all of our products, however atypical they may be.

Prior to its creation, we thought at length about againstAndthe economithan our structure. But not only ! More than ever, we wanted him to be innovative, reformer, initiator For register In the Steps most responsible possible. We felt we needed to take action, do more, do better. The opportunity to move towards fruition presented itself at that moment. We had to take action, work on our scale for the planet, act even modestly. We were in the imperious impulse to meet your expectations as resolutely women ARTIST, to the evolution of your lifestyle, to your choice to consume differently.

Of course, we are not superheroes, and have no pretensions to being perfect or setting an example. But very sincerely, we work with ethics and high standards. We check suitability at every step. If necessary, we give up when we are too far from this essential, implacable and urgent value.

One of our major characteristics is to offer our collections only in pre-orders. ARTIST thus avoids overproduction and only manufactures the right quantities ordered with a slight surplus for possible size exchanges. This considerably reduces waste and limits the environmental impact linked to excessive production.

Obviously, this is a major advantage for you who choose us.


“The pre-order system also seems essential to me to effectively combat waste. » Beatrice

 “And above all the reasoned way of production! THANKS. » Isabelle

 “I am very happy with the clothes co-produced, eco-designed with Artist. The pre-order process corresponds to my values ​​of more responsible consumption. » Florence

 With this encouragement, we strengthen our desire to defend a new way of creating, producing and selling clothes. More reasoned, with less waste and taking the time to do things right.

 Grace to this system ofs pre-orders, we order the quantities of our fabrics as accurately as possible, as close as possible to need generated. Unlike the traditional textile sales system, we fiercely limit the losss, we reduce the stocks of raw materials

Based on the principle that the least polluting energy is that which we do not use, our primary objective is to avoid any waste, and to create quality products which last over time.

Another obvious example: the composition and origin of fabrics.

ARTIST wonders about the organic sector. For the moment, we prefer to work with French and Italian materials produced, mastered and strictly controlled by manufacturers responsible for their process. and whose seriousness we know.

What benefit does Indian organic cotton labeled as ecru have if it is then dyed on site - therefore far away - and with chemicals that do not comply with our European standards?

We are keen to respond to your requests for natural materials such as cotton, linen, wool, etc. But cotton requires significant quantities of water for its growth and processing.

Other materials such as viscose (derived from wood) are of great interest for the drape of clothing. Just like polyester, certainly synthetic, but contrary to popular belief, one of the least polluting if it is recycled after use, just like nylons and polyamides.

Despite everything, we work relatively little with these materials and use them solely for their qualities of comfort and fluidity.

Our action continues actively through the choice of our packagingmade of recycled cardboard. We havevilified unpackaging non plastic elegant and elaborate. Our beautiful personalized boxes experience seconds lifes and do not end up drownedIt isin the oceans. We pay particular attention At choice of our suppliers so that they respect with you and us our planet. Les labels FSC et PEFC allows you to purchase wood from managed forestryAndre "durable' » and who does not participate in the DIt isforestation.


Faced with the major climate challenges of our time, ARTIST is committed to trying to reduce its environmental footprint through manufacturing and sourcing processes. From the very beginning of each theme, Brigitte and François combine virtuous design and the implementation of concrete solutions to promote more ethical and responsible fashion.

The white paper “FASHION & ECO RESPONSIBILITY”, edition of Première Vision in March 2022 offers an overview of the major challenges of the sector to move forward together towards a cleaner future. ARTIST is part of this eco-responsible approach with heart and conviction.

Publié par Viviane VGM, Rédactrice du Magazine Artist La marque.


  • Marie-Jeanne

    Très sensible à l’écologie je pense que le lin est une fibre très intéressante. Sa culture demande peu d’intrants, en Normandie est cultivé un lin de grande qualité. C’est aussi une fibre agréable à porter. Bon courage pour continuer à améliorer votre concept
    Artist La marque:
    Bonsoir,Merci pour votre réponse sur le lin . Nous aimons beaucoup cette matière et nous préparons actuellement une collection pour le printemps en lin . Ce n’est pas toujours facile à utiliser car c’est une matière très chère actuellement avec pas mal de contraintes techniques . Nous vous suivons complètement dans cette  demande . Merci à vous . Brigitte et François Le 15 nov. 2023 à 20:01, a écrit :

  • candide

    je viens de lire votre article très intéressant .
    Concernant la matière première je suis allergique a la viscose, au polyester, polyamide et même si je trouve les vêtements magnifiques je ne peux pas les porter. Alors oui peut être que ces matières sont moins polluante mais des que je porte ces matières j’ai de grosses rougeurs et personnellement je trouve que le coton non teinté est très agréable et a souvent un beau rendu.
    Alors si vous pouvez penser aux personnes qui recherchent des habits sympathiques en coton et BIEN MERCI BEAUCOUP
    Artist La marque:

    Merci pour votre commentaire. Si nous comprenons bien , votre demande est de faire des vêtements en coton naturel sans teinture ni impression ? d’avance merci pour votre retour.

    Bien à vous. Brigitte et François

    > Le 15 nov. 2023 à 19:04, a écrit : > >

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