Artistic walk between Lille Art’Up! And Art Paris
In very recent news from ARTIST, in March-April 2023, there was a new artistic immersion at 2 unmissable contemporary art fairs.
Brigitte and François have this second nature, a sense of vigilance that does not let down their guard. Their acuity remains permanently alert. They are perpetually looking for artists and creative collaborations, the quintessence of the concept of Art-à-Porter.
What prevails above all is the evolution of the collection, a pure textile creation. This first stone in the building gives the direction in which to look and find, to decide on a minimalist, abstract path, on the contrary certainly figurative, of trends with large patterns... Or to follow a dominant of explosive colors.
This identification of artists is part of an all-out journey.
- Through the network, made up for over 25 years, of gallery owners and experts in the art world.
- Through discoveries in the press and media, museums, exhibitions, meetings and workshop visits.
- Through contacts made directly by artists still unknown to the brand.
- By monitoring the development of painters, sculptors, videographers, ceramists, craftsmen, photographers, etc. This can take several months, sometimes years, to succeed. Often,ARTIST perceives the emotion released, likes the style, the style but does not immediately find the canvas or the piece that matches the ideas of the collection.
Which was for example the case with Anne DAMESIN (“I make a wish” theme April 2021) or Olivier MOREL (Session to discover from May 5 to 14, 2023 ). Unless there's a big crush, which just happened and should determine an upcoming collection this winter!
- By art fairs which set a trend, often even disrupt!
Visit them to sharpen the eye, awaken and nourish curiosity. In these places of immersive experience, Brigitte and François make great discoveries, perceive confirmations, sense possibilities. They combine works from multiple trends, techniques and influences. These fairs broaden their relationships and their knowledge. These exhibitions push the limits of their imagination thanks to the attention paid to new plural forms of creation, to young galleries and promising artists, while bringing together reference galleries and renowned artists.
ARTIST shapes, interprets, disguises contemporary creation. The brand transforms the original idea of the work into a unique garment. Taking the liberty of a stylistic suite brings this innovative clothing aesthetic that we love above all at ARTIST.
At the beginning of spring which tirelessly renews artistic messages, the two creators of a fashion of their own, set out on the lookout for a pearl of art, in its place at the heart of an upcoming textile project.
A future illustration to be interpreted with deference and respect towards the partner artist.
First at “Lille Art Up!”
It was from March 9 to 12 at Lille Grand Palais.
More than 100 galleries, nearly 500 artists, welcome nearly 40,000 visitors each year.
The unmissable event for northern Europe and open to all disciplines. Created in 2008, this epicenter of the art market in the region first established itself thanks to its content. Today, Lille Art’Up! affirms the diversity of its offer and its move upmarket.
Strong cultural event, with art galleries from Lille, the Hauts de France, but also French and international galleries selected by a demanding committee.
Puis « ART PARIS »
It was from March 30 to April 2at the Grand Palais Éphémère.
This year, a “25 years” anniversary edition of discoveries, innovations, clearings and explorations in modern and contemporary art.
+ 80,000 for 134 exhibitors from 25 countries • + 900 artists represented • 40% foreign participation • 60% French galleries • 33% new presences.
In 2022, it was the first eco-designed fair in the world to promote proximity, the short circuit in terms of transport and visitor flows. Art Paris, fully committed, relies on life cycle analysis (LCA), a first in the world of art fairs. A reduction of almost half of its waste, a reduction in its electricity consumption, a reduction in the carbon footprint. Some 12 tonnes of materials were reused or recovered last year. The pioneering approach of sobriety and respect for the environment was repeated a few days ago in the capital. – –
During the renovation of the Grand Palais, the Grand Palais Éphémère is part of the history of this site, reactivating the place it has held during the great Universal Exhibitions of the 19th and early 20th centuries.
Let us add, to avoid any ambiguity, that when spontaneous proposals are not accepted, it is out of a permanent concern for renewal, for differentiation of universes from one session to another. ARTIST apologizes to all those who with tremendous enthusiasm submit their production. Despite the desire which is not lacking, despite all the recognition of their artistic work, the brand imposes clear choices, sometimes with regret. On the other hand, it remains open to any crush, to any unexpected exception that would trigger an instinctive collection.
Publié par Viviane VGM, Rédactrice du Magazine Artist La marque.
Merci pour toutes ces informations très intéressantes qui nous permettent de comprendre l’originalité de vos créations
Bravo à vous deux
Artist La marque:
Merci à vous . Et pas plus tard sur ce jour , nous partons à’dans la région de Reims pour un rendez vous chez un formidable peintre et artiste que nous suivons depuis plus de dix ans pour une éventuelle collection d’ici quelques mois .Bien à vous Le 20 avr. 2023 à 07:25, a écrit :
Maintenant j’ai la réponse à ma question : mais comment font-ils pour trouver et rencontrer les artistes de leurs différentes collections…
Toujours tres intéressant de savoir comment vous travaillez , j’adorrrrre
A tres vite
Artist La marque:
Merci à vous pour ce commentaire que nous aussi : on adorrrre ! Bien à vous Brigitte et François Le 19 avr. 2023 à 19:55, a écrit :