How often does the question come up? Several times a week without exaggerating! It intrigues, it interests, it arouses curiosity. There are many co-producers who question us, the artists who come forward, the sphere ARTIST who gets involved, the wider circle of the brand who probes, the friends, and the friends of friends…


« How do you find all these works? »

This is the basis, the foundation of the very concept. Without artistic talent, what would ARTIST 

That of all the artists who join without hesitation and with enthusiasm, and ours too, let us say it humbly.

To be honest, our creative work follows a parallel path. We are carrying out a double search at the same time.

What prevails above all is the evolution of collection. We are in the field of pure textile creation. Brigitte and I (François) are wondering about the path to follow, where do we want to go? We have minimalist, abstract phases, on the contrary certainly figurative, trends with large patterns... Sometimes we settle on an irresistible dominant color.

Whatever happens, we always start from history, and all our thinking is built around the theme to be shaped for the Art-à-Porter that we embody. This first stone in the building gives the direction in which to look.

With our temperament as scouts, we search tirelessly, we stalk without respite, we snoop without realizing it. Our researchers explore. Our flair flushes out and we are never disappointed.

Drawing on our experience, we have our “pro” methods, our alchemist secrets, our well-oiled organization. What a job!

As we are capable of thinking about two things at the same time, and even more, especially Brigitte, thank you Brigitte! Throughout the year, we spot artists. Our sense of awareness, our intuition does not let down its guard. Our acuity remains permanently alert. It's second nature.

Our long passion rewards us with a precious contact book. More than a hundred names, a hundred talents that we still thank from the bottom of our hearts as we pass. These painters, sculptors, visual artists, photographers, ceramists, engravers, these men and women with golden hands strengthen our brand, enhance our image and contribute to our credibility.

In this world of theArt, we visit workshops, go to exhibitions, open the doors of museums. Our trips revolve around the art fairs that we prefer, unmissable events:

  • FIAC Paris and its satellite fairs during the same period. www.fiac.com
  • St-Art Strasbourg. www.st-art.strasbourg.com
  • Puls'art Le Mans. www.pulsart-lemans.com
  • New Realities Paris. www.realitesnouvelles.org
  • Autumn Salon Paris. www.salon-automne.com
  • Lille Art Up! www.lilleartup.com
  • Art Brussels. www.artbrussels.com

Once the first contact has been made, the concept and our approach presented, we each take the time, the artist and ourselves, to consider a constructive collaboration. With respect for the work already done and that to come; with respect for the work and the collection that will result from it. An artistic intelligence and affinity with ARTIST a truly new creative space. A free sequel. Most of the time, the exchanges go beyond our expectations. Yes, there is certainly something good about humanity: each encounter is a beautiful story, that’s an understatement to say!

We regulate our agreements by signing a contract for the use of reproduction rights, for 6 months to 1 year depending on the case. As you know, it takes time to work in the best possible conditions to produce a line of our women's ready-to-wear. This also includes the essential periods of shooting, sales and Pre-orders manufacturing, delivery. Let's not forget our videos that you love, our articles for the digital magazineArtist-lamarque.com, our collection presentations that you love, and all our posts on social networks.

We pay each artist a fixed amount, a flat rate, and assign them each item of clothing from the theme in the size of their choice. We prefer to protect the signatory of the chosen work from any commercial disappointment. Until today, our work and efforts have been rewarded by your absolute loyalty. Despite everything, we remain humbled by this success that we owe to you. All risks are taken by ARTIST Who assume his choices of style.

As of May 2022, we have 8 selected works. The atmospheres have already been determined in broad terms until deliveries in Summer 2023. However, this false advance is essential because we must constantly face imponderables linked to the vagaries of our profession.

We wanted to add, to remove any ambiguity, that if we do not always succeed following spontaneous proposals from artists, it is because we have the permanent concern to renew ourselves, to differentiate our universes from one session to the next. 'other. We would like to apologize to all those who with tremendous enthusiasm submitted their production to us. Despite the desire that we do not lack, despite all the recognition of their artistic work, we have to make clear choices, sometimes with regret.

We remain open to any crush, to any unexpected exception that would cause a painting to trigger an instinctive collection.

At the house of ARTIST, any excuse is good for building connections. We enjoy good times sharing around a work, an opportunity for a friendly meal.

Brigitte and François.

Publié par François Gadrey, Co-fondateur d'Artist La marque.

1 comment

  • Blandine

    Merci pour cet article, qui répond enfin à certaine de mes questions.
    Pas facile, en effet, de faire des choix face à la multitude d’artistes et d’oeuvres qui s’offrent à nous.
    Pour ma part, je ne suis jamais déçue par vos choix, même s’il arrive que vos collections correspondent moins à mes goûts – j’arrive toujours à trouver une pièce qui me convient, pour chaque édition. Et l’originalité reste de mise. Que vos artistes soient fiers de leur collaboration avec vous, c’est toujours un vrai bonheur pour les modestes co-productrices que nous sommes!

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