Artistic influences

Opening your mind to multiple influences, broadening your horizons, letting yourself be infused with the spirit of the times, this is how ARTISTdraws its nourishing sources of inspiration .

 The concept ofArt-à-Porterconsists of carrying out collaborative work with any open artist, piqued by curiosity by the sartorial transformation of their original work.

 Thanks to all these painters, visual artists, photographers, sculptors, ceramists, engravers, glass blowers, creative worlds are merging. From these artistic affinities a new space is liberated, a free sequence leading to a feminine collection of unique ready-to-wear.

 At the house of ARTIST, the relationship with art and artists is inscribed as the 1is commandment on the list of strong company values, above all creative process. Brigitte and François devote time to virtually monitoring the work, to the evolution of all these potential partner-guests. Most of the time, they meet them and visit their workshop.


In this world of Art, the co-founders explore trade fairs, galleries, go to exhibitions, open the doors of museums, and don't miss a biennial of contemporary art neither in Lyon nor in Venice.


There are countless points in common between Art and Fashion or Couture: color and light, gestures and sequences, materials and volumes.


Thanks to its prestigious fashion houses, Paris remains the undisputed capital of the fusion between art and fashion. Few things escape the research of Studio BF, notably the DIOR presentations

HERMÈS, without excluding the brands that create inimitable looks. Pay attention to Streetwear,

observe the young generation of daring stylists.


In Europe, the impulses inherited from the Belgian scene including Ann DEMEULEMEESTER, Dries VAN NOTEN, are references. The essential Italy also impacts the trends they refer to: ARMANI, DOLCE and GABBANA , ÉTRO, MAX MARA, VALENTINO.

For many years, they have been roaming the halls of professional exhibitions. All these fabric and accessories fairs in Paris, in the provinces, and in Milan feature the players in the textile industry. On these stands, they are given access to their next stories, because they will have detected, sensed or recognized all the ingredients for “the model” that they have in mind.


In this profession, technical exchanges in factories lead to innovation. The know-how


develop experiments and attempts, thus genius discoveries are born, such as the digital printing process at the end of the 90s which revolutionized their fanciful intuition.

They observe the metamorphoses of all fashion trends including decoration and its sites, the Parisian MAISON and OBJET show, and the progress of architects.


Their inspiration comes from different schools of thought, abundant artistic movements, and the diversity of the cultural world in the broad sense.


From sociology to anthropological analyses, from novels to essays to comics, all readings contribute to the proliferation of their ideas. Subscribers to blogs, consulting dedicated platforms, they never stop researching, learning and applying.

 Live performance, street performance, visual arts, cinema and documentaries, theater, music, dance, everything that Culture offers to see permeates them.


Circassian, Brigitte is fascinated by the world of the circus; François feeds on the energy of music and concerts.


The performances of artists, the sets, the staging, the lights, the shows, the costumes, the choreographies are inscribed and reborn transformed at the heart of the ARTIST.

Beyond making clothes, the brand is refining the way it offers them. To stage them, you still have to be inventive, create the whole image. The study of graphics and illustration has repercussions on their digital communication, on the aesthetics displayed on social networks, on the staging of their videos.

For its photo sessions, ARTIST always looks for places linked to the collection and the work from which it comes. A striking, powerful place to reinforce the highlighting of the models. Each place is a discovery, a step towards an encounter, yet another enrichment.

All of these cultural or professional immersions and these human exchanges produce continually astonishing collections. Thus the essence of the ARTIST style is affirmed, born from artistic and plural influences.





Publié par Viviane VGM, Rédactrice du Magazine Artist La marque.

1 comment

  • Anonymous

    je n ai plus de nouvelles de vous ? plus de mails rein !
    Artist La marque:
    Bonjour ,Nous ne savons pas pourquoi vous ne recevez pas nos mails d’autant que visiblement vous recevez celui-ci. Merci de vérifier dans vos spams et peut être vous ré-inscrire sur notre site. Merci à vous Brigitte et François Le 9 févr. 2024 à 12:37, a écrit :

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