In a completely improvised manner, it was during a conversation with a co-producer, Myriam J., a faithful among the faithful, that we asked the question, simply to know, without premeditation or ulterior motive:
“What is the “hand” for you? ARTIST »
Obviously, it amused her, she got into the game and rewarded us with a superb response, a gift for the brand which did not expect such a strong outburst of heart. Touched by this mark of sympathy and support, honored by this testimony of recognition, moved by so many compliments, Brigitte and François, the co-founders ofARTIST, decided to hand over to him! Here is delivered, the text as written by an inspired admirer.
The hand ofARTIST is daring, non-conformist and creative.
Directed on the lookout for the smallest detail, accurate and placed.
Powerful, colorful vibrations,
Of unalterable harmony and sensitivity.
It is the hand of couture spirit know-how,
The hand that chooses the fabric with relevance, that crafts with patience,
The hand that draws, connects the colors together and creates alliances of materials,
Always surprising, unpredictable.
Master hand in search of emotion.
ARTIST makes the choice to embody its singularity with discreet touches.
It is a brand free in its perception of women's fashion, respectful of ethics, constant in its commitments.
Her hand is the continuity of the artists she selects, whom she loves and whom she illustrates with reverence, delicacy and elegance.
This INVENTIVE HAND which rewrites history with each collection, at each moment of clothing, for each work from which it is inspired.
ARTIST follows the path of the heart, the one whose hand remains faithful.
Without detour, the hand is freed to tirelessly delight us."
Thank you again for this spotlight, promotion of this beautiful exercise in style accomplished with 4 hands at ARTIST ; and many more professional and united hands, linked to the Art-à-Porter brand to transform the original idea into unique clothing.
The hand ARTIST tirelessly renews its artistic messages to us. This unmistakable skill is a sign of well-crafted collections, worked by expert hands with heart and spirit.
Publié par Viviane VGM, Rédactrice du Magazine Artist La marque.
Je vous ADORE💝 votre marque et votre démarche auprès d’Artistes si passionants,performants est une bouffée d’oxygène et de joie de vivre: MERCI de MARSEILLE : une de vos groupies, qui malheureusement je m’en excuse, n’est pas 1 bonne cliente ( faute de ne pas gagner au loto🤣). Continuez ainsi vous êtes : “hors des sentiers” et FORMIDABLE, de MARSEILLE 💙☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️💙
C’est presque la main de Dieu 😊 tellement elle est guidée par la beauté, la créativité et le soin du détail. Cette main choisit les tissus pour offrir aux femmes l’élégance, le confort et la liberté de mouvement.
Je reconnais bien là les mots de Myriam, des mots justes, élégants qui percutent avec justesse à votre travail.
Ode to Artist !
Ces mots sonnent avec autant d’élégance que sont tissées les pièces d’Artist. Alchimie des couleurs, des tissus, recherche créative en perpétuel renouveau. Seul bémol, les prix 🫣
Ce texte décrit joliment votre nouveau concept.
Fidèle d’Aventure des Toiles J’ai tout de suite adhéré à la naissance d’Artist.
La qualité des tissus exclusifs, le confort et la coupe des pièces, le choix des œuvres , les finitions et les petits détails comme les broderies et les jolis boutons, tout cela fait la différence avec les collections des grandes enseignes. Et votre production limitée nous fait participer au respect de la planète.
Longue vie Artist.