10 questions for the artist by Carole Bressan


10 short questions / 10 short answers asked to the artist Carole Bressan who inspired the “AU PARADIS” collection for pre-orders from July 9 to 18, 2021:

  1. An inspiring place?

A forest, (little invested by human hand) I like the way it mixes, extinguishes the noise, makes us attentive and more awake


  1. An artist you can’t get enough of?

Zao Wou ki, a great story of admiration. His paintings, often encountered "in real life", move me a lot.


  1. Your last reading?

I have just closed “A Book of American Martyrs” by Joyce Carol Oates, as always jubilant, an admirable insight!

4. How do you start a canvas?

I look at a whole bunch of visuals and atmospheres, I draw on my memories, my photographs, the photographs of others and I let a kind of desire arise that I will not seek to question, this will lead me into an atmosphere, sea, river, fields... etc., then I develop it and stick to it.

5. When do you know it is finished?

I trust myself and then I put down my brushes when what I have before my eyes comes close enough to what I had constructed in thought and as if beyond thought, an intuition? 


  1. Your Proustian madeleine?

Falling asleep with a cat (what happiness)


  1. Does (clothing) fashion inspire you? 

Yes sometimes.


  1. Any idea to make it evolve?

More interested in the ideal style that people imagine for themselves, ignoring fashion issues. I think daring creators ignore themselves.


  1. Your favorite piece of clothing? 

A blouse that I wear over pants, so I feel good, I like blouses.


  1. A question you would like to ask the next artist we collaborate with?
    What do you think is the common point between fashion and painting?


Publié par Brigitte Martin, Co-fondratrice d'Artist La marque.


  • Carine SÉON

    Subtile jeu de lumière dans cette toile aux couleurs chatoyantes !
    J’ai hâte de découvrir la collection de PARADIS sur terre !

  • Catherine

    Bonjour, je sens que je vais adorer cette collection…en tout cas, ce tableau me plaît beaucoup….

  • Veronique Van Poppel

    J’aime beaucoup la toile qui a inspiré la collection “Au Paradis” mais aussi la madeleine de Proust de Carole Bressan. En effet quel bonheur de s’endormir avec un chat.

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