The artist of collection #09
When visual artist Anne Damesin grants Artist’s wish
Between France and Cameroon, the happy childhood of the artist Anne Damesin nourished her with wide open spaces and freedom. After studying political science and working in business, she asserted her independence in 2004 to allow herself to paint. She dropped everything to follow her artistic training at the Beaux-Arts and the École du Louvre in Paris.

🌿 The artist and nature 🌿
Painter, designer, visual artist, her vast work in contemporary and urban art is often structured around series or variations of paintings, works on paper, installations and volumes, plant lace, salons in exhibitions.
“Each of my works poses the question of appearance and absence, a subtle dialectic of full and empty. I invite you to explore the intimate links I have with living things made up of symbioses and confrontations. I seek to reveal, create a visual disturbance, show the tiny… the play of shadows and lights. »
With sensitivity, Anne Damesin explains to us how she makes the ordinary of everyday life beautiful. His poetry converses with his way of being; his skillful gesture composes the infinitely simple, the imperceptible as if to avoid weighing.

🎨 L'artiste et ARTIST 🎨
A few days before the brand new session from April 2 to 18, 2021, Artist makes your mouth water and gives you the scoop on the next theme.
We are honoring the selected work, a favorite that struck Brigitte and François. Its evocative title “ I MAKE A WISH » lifts the veil on the influence of the next presentation. Down to the smallest detail, everything has been designed to surprise you.
Today, we are devoting a focus to this precious and unexpected work, a fragile, airy, ephemeral work, made in plant lace.

At the beginning Anne Damesin drew the flower: nature has been speaking to her for a long time. Her journey, her taste for simplicity, guided her towards more essentials.
She became interested in plants, took classes to learn about them better until she discovered their virtues. From then on, camellias, chestnut leaves and ivy were picked as he passed through the familiar streets of Paris. She introduced them into her life, into her art, into her studio.
The precision of a goldsmith, the attention to detail worthy of a watchmaker. She proceeds with a succession of very delicate decoctions. Laboriously, this can last up to a month. The meticulous technique she has developed requires a lot of patience to remove the plant pulp and retain only the structure, the veins.
« Experimentation prevails. I cook, I play to see what happens. » AD.

Our visual artist longs to see the collection infused by her work, extrapolated into textile pieces. She tells us that this different perspective comforts her. She feels all the more in her artistic truth that the concept Artist joins its convictions of reasoned and environmentally friendly manufacturing.
Already 10 years of mutual esteem, of monitoring each other's work, of the desire to collaborate!

🎤 A word to Brigitte & François 🎤
“We admire his work, but our difficulty, each time, is to find the right work, in the right color atmosphere, corresponding to our aspirations of the moment, transposable onto a clothing line.”
Waiting for the right meeting, “I MAKE A WISH” presented itself as a meeting within a meeting, the fruit of a long impatience.
Above all, what blew us away were its plant lace of poetic chiselled beauty; a field of possibilities resonated with what we wanted to create.
Our desire was towards a chic and relaxed collection, subtle, wearable in the city as well as in ceremonies. This time we really wanted to amaze with a very different theme.
The tones: golden sand, off-white, iridescent effects, light and luminous backgrounds contrasted with anthracite in print and a few bursts of turquoise so as not to forget summer. All this gives a lot of style and modernity.
Anne introduced herself as a lacemaker. We explored his ornate work. »
Anne DAMESIN lives and works in Paris - Atelier 81 Boulevard Voltaire – 21st century.
Publié par Viviane VGM, Rédactrice du Magazine Artist La marque.
Très alléchant, cette collection à partir de la création poétique d’Anne Damesin. Vivement le 2 avril !!
En attendant de découvrir, et dans mes mots…. je vois Anne Damesin lier une technique à son art, son art se fond en objet “portable” et “responsable”, au final tout sera beauté et légèreté, fruit de passions qui se rencontrent, ce qui n’est pas anodin… Merci!
Bonjour, cette collection me semble très différente des précédentes. C’est très positif de varier et d’ouvrir la voie à de nouvelles créations. Cette artiste a de multiples talents, et décliner une partie de son œuvre en textile s’annonce prometteur pour une belle réussite. Bravo !
Bonjour, je ne reçois plus vos mails, je ne comprends pas pourquoi ? Ma messagerie est opérationnelle,
bien que de temps en temps elle fait l’objet de blocage par Free pour des “piratages”.
Bien cordialement.