03 73 35 51 53      9  -  19 h

The Artist of Session #2

The BAHIA collection presented on May 29, 2020 is inspired by this painting:

"THE PRE-SALES OF THE GRAND MONOPRIX” wasimagined and created by Samuel TOMBOLA.”

The “Robinsonade” is a genre of story that takes its name from the novel “Robinson Crusoe”. The hero finds himself isolated from his original civilization following an accident. It is then necessary to imagine the means of one's own survival in a rather unfriendly environment.

The entire SAMUEL TOMBOLA universe is inspired by this genre. It creates incredible islands, with lots of wildlife and vegetation, beautiful encounters, but always without humans.

Each work is a mysterious island, surely a little bit its own...

Its inspiration comes from the characters of the famous novel: Robinson for culture & Friday for nature. On these bases the artist adds his daily life.

Besides, Samuel uses cigarette paper as a support... Is it because its finesse is matched only by its creativity?

But why name a painting like that?

During a day of work in his workshop, Samuel went down to get supplies at the local monoprix. Still all about his world and his island, he created the god “MONOPRIX” as a kind of divinity.

 Once his composition was completed, he naturally gave it the name: “THE PRE-SALES OF THE GRAND MONOPRIX”.

All Samuel TOMBOLA...

 When we discovered the incredible and luxuriant universe of this French artist living in Brussels, we couldn't stop wanting to collaborate for this collection that we called BAHIA.


SAMUEL TOMBOLA was born in Gabon in 1983.Graduated in Fine Arts in Marseille, he lives and works in Brussels. He exhibits mainly in France, notably at the Vallois gallery in Paris in January 2020.

Publié par François Gadrey, Co-fondateur d'Artist La marque.

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