03 73 35 51 53      9  -  19 h

The artist Olivier MOREL

Before discovering the painting from a series on the cycle of the seasons, entitled by Olivier MOREL  

“The return of autumn”, ARTIST takes you into one of the inspiring universes of the artist whose painting initiated the next session from May 5 to 14 2023.

 To immerse yourself and perhaps get lost in its pictorial forest, the clothing brand presents its entire artistic approach and its unique figurative work.

 A sensory stroll to evoke the end of the summer that we would like to be Indian, a serenely enveloping entry into the late season.


Légende d’Automne”, a carefully crafted collection,

born from one of the works of Olivier MOREL, propelled into a work to be worn by ARTIST.


Its techniques:


We are best known for his large-format paintings of natural spaces or everyday scenes with refined compositions and bright colors. But he practices all disciplines: photography, drawing, illustration, video, engraving and installation, sculptures and glazed ceramics.



The themes represented in his works are resolutely contemporary and cover a broad spectrum.

Over the years, the notion of permanence through the phenomena of the world becomes significant and its evolution results in a simplification of the motif. This simplicity is manifested by the trace of the brush which brings modulation and light, vibration, fluctuating shapes, breathing.


The affirmation of an increasingly refined form, the synthesis of space by elimination of superfluous elements, the saturation of colors, the impulse of a gesture seeking to transmit the vital energy of any manifestation, characterize all of his work

His creative process, slow, methodical - even laborious - goes through phases of observation and research (photos, drawings, models).


He is also the author of installations made up of assemblages of linocuts and sculptures. Its dry points, often printed in color, are characterized by a velvety and sharp line.


His engraving Labyrinthe 2K2 was acquired in May 2019 by Mobilier National with a view to creating a rug whose weaving began in November 2021 at the Manufacture de la Savonnerie in Paris (Gobelins).



on artistic approach :

It takes an attentive and ironic look at today's world (Tunisia, New World series), and addresses current events – globalization, terrorism, global warming – (1001 nights series) alternating with more contemplative subjects (Forests, Mountains series) inspired by oriental philosophy. Japan, where he made more than ten trips, had a strong impact on him.
His questions continue to irrigate his artistic production, often taking benevolent (Tokyo Kids), exhilarating (Forests) or meditative (Mountains) forms. , Labyrinths), sometimes serious forms (1001 nights).

The human presence is often put at a distance.



His artistic emotion:


For Olivier Morel, a work provides moments of emotion, takes you further than you imagine, opens the door to new territories. Art profoundly changed his life. In a quasi-twin relationship, his almost cosmic concerns and his art inhabit him, are what constitutes him. An alchemical process takes place within him, a decantation whose aim is to reveal, in more accomplished works like his painting, the essence of things.


His challenge:

Make real through the figurative his search for accuracy, the right point, the golden mean.

Excerpts from the blog written and hosted by the visual artist himself whose talent extends to writing.

“Creation is nourished daily by the spectacle of life. In my personal case, it is greatly enriched by uprooting: trips to the countryside, to the mountains, to the forest, to the seaside, abroad, and more generally anything that disrupts my habits, awakens my senses... »

“Holidays fulfill this need. In other words, on vacation, I work all the time. Not necessarily in the most traditional way but by storing as much information and new elements as possible which will irrigate my creation. Depending on the location, the length of the stay and my state of fatigue, I can bring something to draw or paint. Drawing time is a long time – it’s almost a luxury today! -, This is why I use the camera more willingly. And sometimes I do nothing, preferring to live in the moment and engrave it in my memory…”


Its galleries:

Louis Gendre Chamalières - https://www.galerielouisgendre.com

Red Zone Geneva/Switzerland and Frankfurt/Germany https://red-zone-arts-gallery.com


His recent solo exhibitions:

2022: Buddha Sutras – Studio Fabert, Paris
2021: Phosphorescences, text and curator Baldine Saint Girons, Paris
2020: Forests – Espace rue de Grenelle, Paris
2019: In the labyrinth of Tong Ting – Red Zone Arts, Francfort
Lights & dust – Franco-Indian Cultural Relations Center, Paris


His recent group exhibitions:


2022: Les Heures – La Volante, Arles
In the City, Bogdan Pavlovic police station – Serbian Cultural Center, Paris
2021: 20th Sarcelles International Engraving Biennial
Laniakea #1, drawing session, with M. Velk, J. Beneyton, etc. , curated by Anne Malherbe and Bogdan Pavlovic – La Ruche, Paris
2020: Pays-sage – Espace d’Art Chaillioux, Fresnes
2019: Discovery Art Fair with Red Zone Arts, Frankfurt

Public and private collections:

  • National Furniture
  • Directorate of cultural affairs of the city of Paris
  • National Library of France
  • National Institute of Quebec
  • Purdue University Galleries, West Lafayette, USA
  • Colas Foundation
  • Local Credit of France
  • Accor Group
  • Center for Engraving and Printed Images, La Louvière, Belgium
  • Art libraries of Amiens, Bayeux, Chambéry, Compiègne, Évreux, La Rochelle, Nantes, Poitiers, Pont-l’évêque, Roncq, Saint-Maur-des-Fossés, Strasbourg.


A graduate of ENSBA Paris, Olivier Morel lives and works in Paris.

Site : https://oliviercharlesmorel.com


Youtube videos: Forest 49, season 3 – Forest 48, season 2 – Olivier Morel, 30 minutes in the house in the forest – Olivier Morel, rose forest, in the studio .


Publié par Viviane VGM, Rédactrice du Magazine Artist La marque.

1 comment

  • Gabrielle

    Merci pour ce documentaire détaillé et la découverte, grâce à vous, de ce bel artiste. Bravo. G.
    Artist La marque:

    Merci à vous pour votre message . bonne journée

    Brigitte et François

    > Le 3 mai 2023 à 08:07, Sunny@comment.sunnysideapps.com a écrit : > >

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