The Made In ARTIST

You want to move towards an ideal and responsible wardrobe. ARTIST wishes to support you, offer you a range of products and practices consistent with the wishes of ethics, sustainability and value of things.
Discover a new way of experiencing fashion ARTISTWhy not?
In other words, how to dress and continue to love fashion while being respectful of both people and the Earth?
This article aims to help you see things a little more clearly. Far from us wanting to give you codes of good conduct, but much more the desire to provide food for thought, with the idea of course that it is up to everyone to appropriate the values that make sense to them. Responsible for ARTIST What does it mean ? It may be several things at once: having a reasoned, ecological conscience, anticipating and reflecting on the impact of our actions.

ARTIST’s production choices :
Brigitte and François focus above all on the excellence of the product and your double satisfaction, that of the consumer as well as that of the co-producer that you are.
Their concern, their obsession, but also their passion and their pleasure lie in the development of stylish collections, co-signed by their complementarity.
The objective that they renew at each session is to present you with quality, unique clothing, adapted to your body type, easy to maintain, and manufactured in the best possible conditions, at all levels, in all areas.
The production methods, the manufacturing locations, the materials used are all criteria that they are concerned about. But not only. They want to keep their artistic freedom, to make technological discoveries, to be interested in new know-how. Stay open and curious about everything, inventive, stand out.
It is mainly between France and Italy that they glean the most beautiful fabrics, prints and embellishments. Their approach is a question of balance between the best of creation, originality, ethics and value for money. Whenever possible, nearby companies are favored, right up to the edges of the Euro-Mediterranean basin, guaranteeing responsiveness, close collaboration and solid partnerships.
So in this whirlwind of new ideas, they are interested in Made in France. They are obviously sensitive to issues, support for economic activity, control of social and environmental conditions... A philosophy to which ARTIST adheres ideally, out of civic and solidarity conscience.

What is a “Made in France” product? » ?
We will try to explain this to you for the textile sector…
To make a garment, several interdependent steps are necessary and follow one another:
Creation (or Research & Development), spinning, weaving or knitting, finishing (dyeing, printing, technical characteristics), cutting and making, finishing, packaging, quality control.
In fact, there is no legal definition of “Made in France”. It is not at all obligatory to mention the national origin of the products. Their marking is only optional and voluntary, under the sole responsibility of the manufacturer or importer. Let us note, however, that manufacturers cannot do what they want and above all that the “Made in France” label cannot be used just any way. The Customs Code governs this legislation.
It is the preparation which is retained and gives its origin to the product, the last substantial transformation in France. Hence certain oddities. For example, it is possible to label “French manufacturing” on clothing whose components of Asian origin represent the majority of the price, but the final manufacturing operation in France allows this label. On the other hand, products made with 100% French fabrics and accessories representing 80% of their value, but made in another country must bear the made in label of that country.
ARTIST has therefore chosen to create its creations with reference partners in terms of quality and proximity allowing exchanges, joint research and trials. Do not do made in for the sake of made in, do not necessarily follow a marketing trend in the spirit of the times. ARTIST for example, works extensively in Italy with companies with incredible creativity and know-how.

What we remember in any case at ARTIST, This is because we really want to offer a brand that is as responsible as possible, the most honest and transparent towards you, its co-producers. Our selection criteria take all of these foundations into consideration, and we try to remain committed to them. Our suppliers, our manufacturers meet all our values, and together we try to take respectful actions, in line with our concern for integrity.
Publié par Viviane VGM, Rédactrice du Magazine Artist La marque.
Tous mes compliments pour ces explications utiles, réfléchies et d’une grande valeur didactique.
Vous faites œuvre utile sans jamais tomber dans le discours moralisateur. Bravo !