Mini-interview - 10 questions asked to Anne Gérard

1. An inspiring place:
The shower. My mind wanders at that point, and good ideas come to me.
2. An artist you can't get enough of
3. Your last reading
Change the water of the flowers, by Valérie Perrin
4. How do you start a work?
Trying to forget everything I know how to do
5. When do you know it is finished?
When I have no more doubt
6. Your Proustian madeleine
The melody of the wind in the trees which inevitably takes me back to my grandparents’ garden when I was a child
7. Does fashion inspire you?
I like mixing styles and my tastes haven't changed since I was 20.
8. An idea to develop it?
Implement stricter specifications so that the design of clothing must be ethical and ecological.
9. Your favorite piece of clothing:
My painter's apron
10. A question you would like to ask the next artist we collaborate with?
“Where would you like to get lost?”
Answer to the question from ANNE GOUJAUD, last partner artist for the theme “LES HERBES FOLLES”:
What matters most when you buy a piece of clothing is the cut, the color, the print?
Print. I have a particular interest in the pattern. Fabric, wallpaper, they come back tirelessly in my work as an artist.