Mini-interview - 10 questions asked to Anne Goujaud

Anne GOUJAUD is the artist who inspired us to design the LES HERBES FOLLES collection available for pre-order May 6 to 15
1. An inspiring place?
2. An artist you can’t get enough of?
Shirley Jaffe
3. Your last read?
The impatient ones - DjaÏli Amadou Amal
4. How do you start a work?
I look at yesterday's work and continue
5. When do you know it is finished?
When things are obvious
6. Your Proust madeleine?
Go buy new colorful African loincloths
7. Does fashion (clothing) inspire you?
Yes, I watch designer shows both for the decorations and for the clothes
8. An idea to develop it?
To start sewing
9. Your favorite item of clothing? (jacket, dress, pants, scarf, etc.)
Yves Saint Laurent's dress inspired by a painting by Sonia Delaunay
10. A question you would like to ask the next artist we collaborate with?
What matters most when choosing clothing is the cut? The color or the print?
Answer to the question from Catherine Cazau, last partner artist for the theme “Getting lost in the blue”:
“Did you imagine one day seeing the designs of your works on magnificent clothes?”
Yes, absolutely, I have already had my fabric printed based on my monotypes and I can't wait to see how Artist will use the colors and graphics in his new collection.