New collection with the artist Marion LEGOUY: TROPIC


Even if it takes many liberties with the works of collaborating artists, the ARTIST house always wants to respect their (beautiful) soul and to get their message across personal if they wish.

This is the case here for Marion Legouy, full of emotions by the seriousness of the current events underlying our lives. Everyone knows what's wrong or not. Humanly, she cannot act as if nothing had happened. Consciously deployed, the artist speaks to us of her inner depths, of her ways of slipping through this heavy reality.


(Marion LEGOUY in her workshop)


In May 2021, the collection inspired by his “New World” was met with enthusiasm. Today, Marion returns to collaborate without the slightest hesitation. A deep mutual joy thatARTISTwill communicate from December 1stto December 10. A new session opens:



Fluid silhouettes and bright plains meet prints exclusively designed for those in need of light.


The origin of this jungle-style theme lies in a succession of beautiful stories, chance encounters, happy connections.

Originally, Marion exhibited last winter in Paris, 3 works-dresses in the boutique-workshop of the renowned stylist Elisabeth V. Furtenbach.

The curator of the Forney Paris library passed by the place, contacted her a few months later to visit her at la Fonderie – Fontenay-sous-Bois.

Carte blanche for the next step: a conference and a presentation of his work as part of the exhibition “Fashion essentials, from one wardrobe to another” at the symbolic library last September.

To prepare for the event, Marion goes there and meets on site enthusiasts of art books, old and contemporary. They speak the same language of hands, delicate handling and bookish treasures.


The emblematic artist of painted weaving was inspired by it and created a dress book. We open it normally and the precious object opens us to the world. It unfolds like the dress you unfold, which twirls when you wear it. This latest original creation awaits, eminently protected, to be presented in 2024.


In the meantime, Brigitte and François are following with interest the artistic stages of Marion Legouy. Obviously intrigued, they question her.


Revelation at the beginning of December at ARTIST which should announce a full summer in tropics other than that of Cancer or Capricorn...

(A shooting for the collection in MEISE, north of Brussels)


They recomposed the 3 parts of this book-dress construction to create 2 lush designs.



Today, the designer is delighted with these new impregnations which are no longer her doing, nor her own reflection, nor her signature.


Entering art through engraving, Marion Legouy has kept a love of paper and perspective from her practice as an engraver.

From brush to scissors, she traces and composes the relationship between shape, material, texture and colors. After carefully cutting her painting into strips, she openworks and works. She weaves together bundles of fluidity, interweavings of lightness, improbable fragments of transparency.


To keep this (re)generative force intact, he must distance himself from information to give space and chance to freedom. Preserve a space of dreams, carefreeness, poetry.


Solitary, she knows that it is necessary for creativity, she is endowed with this fabulous capacity to fill herself, to inspire for the sake of inspiration, to then produce, to share, to offer.


Contradictions, dualities, existence is littered with them. She knew how to learn to deal with and without others.

Create a balance. But paradoxically his need for others is visceral. An existential need. Feeling connected to others.


She practices the philosophy of “with” and still raves: “With others, we invent astonishing things.


ARTIST and Marion L. resonate. Echoing the transcendence of co-creation. When she entrusts them with a work, she has no preconceived ideas, expects nothing other than the unexpected. Afterward, suddenly, she finds her common thread. Everything converges, everything makes sense.


Whatever happens, Marion Legouy prefers the virtuous circle, the relevance of creation, aware of the time that must no longer be wasted.

(Marion in her workshop at the Foundry in Fontenay sous bois.)


(Marion gives art lessons to young students. One of them, Caroline, a few years old, drew Marion. We couldn't resist the urge to show you her "work". )


Marion Legouy, French artist, graduate of the Beaux-Arts de Paris, lives and works in the Paris region.


Instagram: lafonderiefontenay

Facebook: La Fonderie – Center for artistic creation


Forney Library

1 Fig Tree Street - Paris 4It is

Elisabeth V. Furtenbach

65 rue Ramey - Paris 18th




Publié par Viviane VGM, Rédactrice du Magazine Artist La marque.


  • Gabrielle

    Bel article. Merci.

  • Anne

    J’ai adoré le travail et les explications de cette artiste, j’ai hâte de découvrir la collection !
    Artist La marque:
    Merci.Bien à vous.Brigitte et François Le 29 nov. 2023 à 13:37, a écrit :

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