PAM: Paul-Arthur and Martin or Thinking ARTIST in Digital Marketing

This could be the acronym for “ PAM », young digital “association of benefactors”, web advertising agency which revolves aroundARTIST since the genesis of the concept.

A brotherhood like a binary star anticipated by the brand which, in developing the future project, was looking for experienced e-commerce teammates at the time. Their curriculum and their mastery of multimedia tools were convincing! What's more: a state of mind, an energy, strong biases, so many amplifiers to sign with your eyes closed! Form and substance combined! Not only are they good at it in real life, but they definitely go all out! Captivated, unifying, propelling, these two trendy boys have contagious dynamism. One foot in the virtual world, the other in a conscious choice of existence, this antagonism matched wonderfully with the eclecticism and vision of Brigitte and François. In tune with the understanding of marketing ARTIST, all combine contributions and sharing, efficiency and results.

« PAM » acronym which is pronounced like a simple word to remember for two brothers who are out of the ordinary. Paul-AArthur is the youngest of Martin. Born intuitive, agile thumbs, tactile stimulation, at 27 and 32 years old, digital culture, they are immersed in it! Attention ! They don’t just think about Big Data! If they navigate this highly technological ecosystem brilliantly, they know how to protect themselves and turn off their cell phones! Picking mushrooms is a sacred moment offline, in the secret corners of the Morvan, inherited from their maternal grandfather. Both keen on board sports, they let off steam, regenerate, and achieve in all the worlds that result from it. Otherwise, Street Art stimulates them, photography sharpens their sensitivity, there are many driving influences for curiosity and open-mindedness.

With a discreet but stunning smile, revolving eyes (blue for one, green for the other), they gave themselves over, generous and sincere. Decryption:

1 – The main part of your journey?

  • Martin :

“Secondary studies in the Sports sector (skiing/mountain) and a Master's degree in a business school specializing in Culture to follow up with 1 year dedicated to musical composition (electro). Then 3 years as marketing manager of a music TV channel between Paris and Amsterdam. Until the big decision to go by bike between France & Singapore: 25,000 stations in one year (2018-2019), crossing 21 countries. Paul-Arthur joined me to cycle the last 8,000 km together. Since then, we haven't left each other. »

  • Paul-Arthur: 

“A course started at IUT GEA, followed by a business school, before being admitted to École 42 in Paris, where I started to learn coding, but I never finished the course! After a slight overdose of screens and “start-up nation”, I chose to work for 6 months in my cousin’s wine estate in Burgundy, a really cool experience with great encounters. Afterwards, I planned 2 months in Bali to surf and skate. After an unforeseen 4-month detour through Southeast Asia where I traveled side by side with Martin, I launched into digital communication as a pair. »

2 – Highlights of the trip? 

  • Martin : 

“This cycling journey, 8 months alone, my life strongly questioned, my certainties shaken, it was my choice. Too complex to summarize in a few sentences. I have put pictures of my wanderings, they will speak for themselves. » Lien : 

  • Paul-Arthur :

“First Bali with a childhood friend: paradise! Every day, intensive training on the boards, between the Indian Ocean and the asphalt road. At the youth hostel, local young people had set up offices for their skate brand. They left an impression on me with their entrepreneurial spirit, much stronger than that of the start-up world I encountered in Paris. On Monday they had an idea, on Friday it was a reality! 

Almost on the eve of my return to France, Martin calls me. A few beers later, I unload a good part of my belongings and exchange my tickets to Burma. It was the end of December 2018, a time of good resolutions they say. I think it was quite a good decision! »

Paul-Arthur on a skateboard in the ghost town of Naypidaw

Raising hot air balloons at the edge of Martin's tent in Gorem, Türkiye

Martin at Tuz Lake

The PAM was therefore born in Burma, in Mandalay on December 29, 2019 precisely. That day the two nomads meet up to continue the journey. They don't yet know that they are starting another one. Although they have always been close, this date, immortalized in images, is the trigger for their collaboration.

3 - Martin: the reason for the PAM?

“We had come across many freelancers combining travel and work. When we returned, disconnected from reality, it was difficult to (re)find a place in a society so different from the powerful magnitude that we had just experienced. Many times, we had discussed our lives, philosophy, spirituality around our stove or in the tent. The same certainty anchored in our body: preserving our freedom. There PAM allows us to reach this form of ideal. »

“I had skills: digital project management, communication and marketing. During this expedition, I learned to film my daily life. Stories and videos for the only connection with my loved ones. Paul-Arthur, for his part, had specialized in pure computer science, coding. He knew how to create websites and how to sell them. Bingo! » 

“Without knowing that a year of hardship was looming, we accepted free odd jobs, missed meetings, unanswered calls for projects. At the same time, we trained and perfected advanced digital strategies, the use of social networks, and the complex mechanisms of platforms like Google. Financial insecurity began to make itself felt, accompanied by pernicious doubts. Our pugnacity won. »

“François talks to us about creating a new clothing brand based on a model opposed to conventional fashion standards, more adapted to changes in consumption. No overproduction, collaborative and local production...Pre-orders to limit waste, increase responsibility, participate in environmental solutions. We immediately joined, heading in with our heads down. »

« ARTIST, the 1is contract that propelled us! In full confinement, we all spent countless hours on video conferences, isolated but in tune, we worked hard to launch the first collection in mid-April 2020."

“First real success, huge relief. A year after our reorientation, we could finally be proud of
our determination and our relentlessness. »

“Behind this “prowess”, we met entrepreneurs motivated to digitalize their image, piled up and accumulated at a grueling pace new files and requests, hot on the heels of the price of our very recent laurels. There, we both reacted to return to our initial premise: to work yes, but not at the sacrifice of our individual freedoms. »

5 - Who does what?

Mr. “I solve all internet problems”: the site, the payment methods, the data processing is Paul-Arthur. The administration of the telephone line, him again, if the chat no longer works, still him! Indispensable sidekick to Martin in digital strategy, setting up videos on Facebook & Instagram, Pinterest, communication. In short, it is everywhere.
As for Martin, an essential pillar, he is in charge of all the content. Stories, post texts, emails, writing and editing videos, managing collection presentations.

6 - Art, did you grow up with it?

Oh yes ! Our mother is an artist, we always saw her painting at home filled with artwork, paintings, chairs and rugs of all colors. At our mother's house, it's simple, it's a bit of a gallery ofART.

7 - ARTIST and PAM: tomorrow?

“An inexhaustible source of inspiration, we always have hundreds of stories to tell about ARTIST, the hardest part is sorting! Convinced of the concept, we have the feeling of being an integral part ofARTIST, a brand with values ​​similar to ours. We perceive that the brand appeals even if people are still reluctant to join the community. We are a bit like its godfathers. At the heart of our main missions: bringing aficionados even closer together, bringing more transparency, more direct dialogue with co-producers. »

Publié par Viviane VGM, Rédactrice du Magazine Artist La marque.


  • Ghislaine

    Très sympathique, super videos …voyager au début de sa vie c’est ESSENTIEL 😉 pour rester disponible à tout les imprévus du reste de sa vie. Bravo les djeunes

  • Dabrowski Gabrielle

    Que dire ? Vous me réconciliez avec la vie, même si la mienne est déjà derrière moi… bravo bravo les jeunes ! Longue vie à vous et vive Artist ! Gabrielle.

  • Agnès

    Super d’avoir pu partager avec nous la passion de ceux qu’on ne voit pas.
    Quelle aventure!!

  • Elizabeth Simonnet

    Merci pour ce beau portrait. Je suis partie en voyage imprévu durant qq minutes en lisant cet article et en visualisant les vidéos. Ca fait un bien fou. Un clic et me voilà abonnée ! L’inspiration vient parfois de loin. Mais le bonheur est le partage comme Martin le dit si bien.
    A bientôt pour votre prochaine escapade et bien sûr pour la prochaine collection Artist, qui elle aussi fait voyager dans le monde de l’art.
    MERCI à toute l’équipe.

  • Vero M

    Ah, j’adooooooooooooooooooore les vidéos ! :-)
    Ca me sidère à chaque fois : quand on croise quelqu’un, on ne connait jamais toute son histoire. Longue vie aux 2 frères et à PAM ! Liberté c’est super, fraternité c’est super aussi ! :-) Et tant qu’il y a des gilets jaunes, c’est qu’on peut tous évoluer… En mieux ! :-) Wèèèè ! :-)

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