Pre-orders: waiting time

By agreeing to wait, each coproducer allows the brand ARTIST to adjust the quantity manufactured as best as possible and avoid overproduction. Ethical dimension, societal commitment, this cooperation is in line with a new way of life and consumption. Correlated with a “NO” to immediacy is a resolution: slow down! Participate in the production of your garment, know all the stages, understand them and approve them, including in terms of deadlines. A thoughtful and no longer impulsive purchase offers double satisfaction, at the very moment of the click which validates it and at the moment of receipt. This chosen phase of waiting provides the feeling of going against the tide of fast fashion with cloned styles.

Women who wear ARTIST prefer a less publicized, more confidential offer. Choosing responsibly manufactured clothing intensifies the desire experienced during these three months. The anticipated happiness of the expected event will naturally provide real euphoria at the delivery. Outfits and ideals come together in the same locker room. Synonyms of desirability, they arouse a feeling of privilege.

At the house of ARTIST doing beautiful things and doing them well takes time. It requires a good dose of foresight and anticipation. Making your customers wait peacefully results from the collective joy of to marvel of a project built together. The team mobilizes and provides news regularly. Between each session, once the orders have been launched, she transmits her knowing messages, her informative articles, her classy photos & her relaxed videos. Known for her rigor, Cécile (responsible for production monitoring) strives to provide information on different phases of design of pre-ordered models. We keep in touch warmly, we strengthen the links. It's good to live at a different pace, to make the pleasure last... Until the treasure arrives in a beautiful personalized collectible box.

In our busy society, why would it have become so difficult to wait? We would not want to wait because we would confuse the time of drive and the time of desire?

Perhaps we need to distinguish between good and bad expectations. When we are immersed in it, when we endure it, we perceive it as an imposed time, and therefore hostile. Due to this sometimes too intense constraint, frustration and impatience generate negative emotions.

Under a completely different prism, we understand that waiting allows us to mature, grow, accept and let go.

Patience is a virtue, they say. Buy in pre-order, it is to be intimately inhabited by a promise. Deciding on slowness, hoping with delight, think positively about waiting as a source of evolution, an art of living, and why not a art-to-wear ?

Managing impatience – the immense power of waiting

In the private sphere, we stamp our feet but with delight before the release of the last volume of a great literary saga; we calmly long for the return of spring; we patiently delight while preparing the tastiest dishes; we give the wine the entire time of its maturation ; we dream of the next vacation or reunion; we respect the rhythm of pregnancy before the arrival of a child…

Passer une pre-order, it means taking the necessary step back to observe the merits of one’s actions, and to be gratified by those that one is carrying out at the moment. The value of the present.

Between you and ARTIST, between the one who waits and the one who makes you wait, there is a trust pact.

To shorten the time between purchasing and wearing, to reduce the distance generated by the Internet, ARTIST places human relationships at the heart of its collections. Connect, call, write, the answer will not be long in coming.

Publié par Viviane VGM, Rédactrice du Magazine Artist La marque.

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