ARTIST expands its explorations and calls on you to find beautiful places.

Be in the right place! Place the ARTIST collection in the space best suited to its history. In other words, be in search of rare, unusual places, magnified by light or what they inspire.

 This ambitious program goes hand in hand with the Art-à-Porterbrand tirelessly in search of challenges or universes.

The desire for something else, for something else, is obviously a founding pillar of the brand’s unique creativity. Its artistic direction exercises it in the post-collection logical sequence of unearthing places with high potential.

Going on reconnaissance is an absolute necessity. An ARTIST garment is a little gem, the photo serves as a precious box. They have the art of creating it, and the art of staging it.

 Photo and video scouting will determine the organization of visual production and the quality of the overall image of the entire session to be presented to you.

The quality and originality of a filming scene will serve as a backdrop for the shots. The ideal site guarantees the successful presentation of the models you choose to wear.

Finding the perfect place can be difficult. Today, ARTIST is expanding its explorations and calling on you, all its customers, all its supporters, to find ideas for attractive locations indoors and outdoors. outside.


Networks and word of mouth could be a valuable aid in prospecting unknown settings and innovative ideas. Concretely, ARTIST would like you to participate in probing the terrain, curious and excited at the idea of ​​knowing your secret impasses or your personal wanderings.

 An extravagant address obviously arouses the curiosity of Brigitte and François, but the desired aesthetic sometimes lies in simplicity. The point of view to select lies in his personality, depending on whether he has a certain charm, whether he gives off energy, whether he has energy, whether he has juice!


In summary, it is not obligatory to think in terms of the “spectacular”, to lapse into the “gigantic”. The environment must not take precedence over the product put forward. Even a heavenly country remains in the background, no matter how breathtaking it may be. The silhouette stands out as the central character.

ARTIST will consider all your suggestions. Send your messages, and why not your photos!


Did you love the landscapes of your vacation? Did you spend your childhood in an absolutely magical countryside spot? Do you remember a futuristic building not to be missed? From an unsuspected wasteland? Do you know of a private hotel? Does your cousin run an unusual lodge? Do your friends sail on a houseboat? Every Sunday morning, do you walk your dog on a bucolic trail? Are you walking along a poetic canal to get to the office? Are you crossing an urban footbridge or a romantic bridge in your neighborhood? Does your sister run a design boutique? Every Friday evening, do you have a drink with your best friend on the rooftop of a hot hotel?


Warm autumnal notes, spring atmosphere, lush vegetation, ... Many other collections are arriving and awaiting your proposals for peaceful detours, exploits in the natural environment, escapades in European capitals, in short the framework of your lives!

With or without a swimming pool, reveal the intimacy of a home with refined asymmetry, or rooms decorated with moldings. Why not columns, balustrades? Baroque style, or exotic inspiration, ARTIST explores all significant atmospheres.

35 shootings after the start of the adventure, the 2 co-founders took you to the forest, to a bamboo grove, to a cloister, to a rapeseed field, to a contemporary villa, to an Italian-style theater...

You have visited the thermal baths of Vichy, the city of Climats de Bourgogne; discovered the mills of Toledo, hiked on a glacier... They took you on a journey to the Estérel, to Santorini, to Morocco...


Only 10 m2 of work space, no more to successfully complete the session! The model poses under a porch at a stucco manufacturer... A Voltaire armchair, an accessory is sometimes more than enough!

An artist's studio, a Haussmann-style apartment... With you too, everything is envisaged to the extent that the shooting location is fully integrated into the theme of the collection and the work of the artist.






Publié par Viviane VGM, Rédactrice du Magazine Artist La marque.


  • valerie

    Bonjour, je reviens de vacances à Lanzarote, et j’ai pensé à vous, à quel point ce serait magnifique de mettre en valeur vos collections sur les plages noires volcaniques .
    Je vous conseille particulierement la playa del Janubio, plage noire écume blanche vagues turquoises. Mais il y a aussi bcp d’autres endroits qui seraient fantastiques ( lave, volcans incroyables, criques, villages blancs etc )
    Artist La marque:
    Merci à vous pour cette idée .Je connais ces lieux pour avoir séjourné là-bas . Effectivement c’est assez incroyable . Il faut une collection appropriée mais cnest une bonnes idée .Un grand merci Brigitte et François Le 21 févr. 2024 à 18:50, a écrit :

  • marie

    Si un environnement de tournage en intérieur peut vous convenir, nous gérons une maison briarde en Seine et Marne (cheminée, grande bibliothèque, grande salle pierre apparente, cosy, familial etc). Nous pouvons mettre ce lieu à votre disposition gracieusement.
    Artist La marque:
    Un grand merci à vous pour votre retour et cette proposition .Si vous avez des photos, ce serait parfait.Merci de les joindre sur mon mail :Francois@artist-lamarque.comD’avance merci François Le 6 nov. 2023 à 11:52, a écrit :

  • Arlet

    notre Drome provençale a des sites remarquables…..Ses châteaux (Grignan,Suze la rousse…..) et surtout nos champs de lavandes en mai/juin sur des kms
    Artist La marque:
    Merci à vous .Les champs de lavandes .. il y a  un moment que nous y pensons . Le tout est d’avoir une collection qui convienne dans ces mois là . En mai nous shootons là première collection d’automne mais pourquoi pas . Auriez vous des photos des endroits vers chez vous oú il y a des champs de lavande avec un bel environnement ?D’avance merci .Brigitte et François Le 25 oct. 2023 à 08:46, a écrit :

  • Pascale

    Le monde est plein de bels endroits
    Je vous conseille la Corse,mais ce n’ est pas objectif j y habite.
    Et Banon et Barcelonnette sont de très beaux villages en haute Provence

    Bonnes découvertes
    Artist La marque:
    Bonjour ,Vous avez raison et nous adorons la corse .Nous avons déjà fait une séance vers bonifacio avec Artiste sur la collection Abruzzes. Mais cela n’empêche pas d’y retourner tellement il y a de beaux endroits .Quand a Barcelonette , si vous avez des photos , nous sommes preneurs .Bien à vous Et un grand merci .Brigitte et François Le 24 oct. 2023 à 12:58, a écrit :

  • Martine

    Si vous souhaitez je dispose d’une maison de campagne à Pouilloux avec un grand jardin et un pré ou ma voisine met ses chevaux à petre. Vous pouvez aussi y faire des photos pour le thème maison de campagne pour des tenues weekend ou vacances au vert. C’est avec plaisir que je vous recevrais
    Martine Guerra-Pereira

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