Retrospective 2021

The end of the year becomes conducive to a moment of reflection, to taking a step back and gaining perspective. A final moment to discern the challenges, analyze the path traveled, identify priorities. Look ahead. Move forward. ARTIST was no exception to the rule and its professional “To Do List”. is updated just before the Christmas break.

In spring 2022, the brand will celebrate its 2 years of existence. We'll talk about it later !

But frankly at the start, the concept, the basis of the pre-orders, the period... Nothing was won, far from it. Remember…

If we take a general look at this year which is coming to an end, we can say that the bet has been won.

This close-up also concerns you because one thing touched the hearts of the entire team: your tireless presence. In return, to show you thatARTIST is always there for you, this note to share with you the life of the company.

Thanks to support from all sides, the support of the most loyal customers in the world, and the hard work of the founders and collaborators, ARTIST does exist, is doing well and lacks neither projects nor ambition to continue.

This little miracle is due to the philosophy of the community ARTIST, to his values, to his state of mind reasoned. The choice of lean production, respectful of its environment human, economic and natural was not only understood and well received, but acclaimed, applauded, supported, defended.

Even if they savor and are grateful for the success achieved thanks to the support of the co-producers sensitive to history, Brigitte and François remain demanding of themselves and their artistic vocation. Very personally involved, they make themselves available to each consumer. In addition to the burden placed on them, they really want to listen. Beyond the time devoted to the collections, photos, marketing and image, from the smallest detail to major questions, they chose to devote an entire day to the standard, each in turn, during each session. They are online, available. This direct contact allows a close and constructive exchange, to realize the reality of the questions, to be in real life, on the ground in some way. At the same time, during webinar presentations, they read all the written comments and discuss live. All observations left on social networks or in the site magazine are read and dissected. Each message submitted has its personalized response. All feedback from the sales manager or shipping manager is carefully processed.

Remarks, suggestions, needs are taken into consideration. Aware that it is always possible to improve, to progress, to refine, they imbue themselves with these expectations to try to meet them as much as possible.

The global situation has generated an extension of supply times and increases in transport costs, among other things. To avoid many inconveniences, avoid frustrations, ARTIST has decided to exclude certain suppliers who are too subject to all these hazards, unable to guarantee their previous responsiveness. This is an example of making an effort not to disappoint.

During the year 2021, the team ARTIST, was solidly formed, significantly perfected. The perfect understanding that reigns between those who compose it reinforces motivation, increases tenfold the desire to do better, to go further. The will of the moment and the latest decisions aim for progress in communication. Keep them informed between the time of pre-order and the arrival of the pretty box at home. What has happened since the purchase was validated? How to give news as it happens, at the right time, without annoying. Reassure, announce, be transparent. Offering a service as high quality as the clothing itself: here is one of the main good resolutions for 2022. Proving all the remaining women right ARTIST resolutely. Arouse the curiosity and the power of seduction of all those who will expand the colorful circle of Art-à-Porter. Multiply all occasions for all women ARTIST to conquer with the weapons of a complicit and reliable brand.

The countdown begins on New Year’s Eve… ARTIST enjoyed spending the year in the company of the most beautiful women in the world. Twelve months of inevitable but overcome difficulties, there is no reason not to let joy express itself. Thank you all for stimulating the creativity ofARTIST. A little break during warm and joyful holidays, but we never leave each other. Promised.

2021: we only remember the good things with and thanks to you. Next year, tomorrow or almost,  ARTIST has every intention of continuing to make you happy, quite simply.

Publié par Viviane VGM, Rédactrice du Magazine Artist La marque.

1 comment

  • Yveline Bortolan

    Encore Bonne Année ! J’attends avant de recevoir mes deux commandes successives à venir , la présentation de votre prochaine collection ! A bientôt !

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