Would Véronique LAFONT’s painting make ARTIST’s spring?

This poetic window opens onto the interior landscape of Véronique Lafont, the reality of nature that she has recomposed, floating and light like a silk scarf in the air of February, the month of love.

His painting is written with a brush, eyes and hands fascinated by the effects of everything around him. Energetic and spontaneous gestures, the artist thus enveloped shares her colorful meditations with her plastic and chromatic palette.


Balanced, strong and subtle, this focus of intense light, deliberately abstract, captivates with its sovereign blue. It splashes with accents of yellow and orange. The joyful dance of green, red, pink and lilac, the warm traces of glossy brown and red authenticate Véronique’s art of polychromy. 
Through their free spontaneity, the material effects she obtains are reminiscent of her favorite painters like Joan Mitchell, Claude Monet, Jacques Truphémus, Andrew Cranston.

 Her meticulous work, the precision of the techniques she masters serves the cohabitation of blurs, reflections, impasto, fluidities, scratchings or touches.



 This collaboration with ARTIST also responds to his taste for textures, materials and colors. This concept of Art-à-Porter corresponds to its values ​​in the field of clothing fashion: an eco-responsible approach, work based on color in unexpected ranges.


Before devoting herself exclusively to painting, Véronique Lafont herself created a bestiary of more than 500 textile sculptures and around a hundred predominantly textile sculpture books.

 Before leaving the landscape of this session, we obtained some confidences on the projects of the artist who inspired it so well.

Screwed into the workshop and full of creative ardor, the end of 2022 will be dedicated to the three gallery owners who represent it: 

Galerie Cécile Dufay, Paris 15, Swiss Village - https://galeriececiledufay.fr
Galerie Amélie, Maison d’art, Paris 6th and 9th - https://www.amelie-paris.com

Galerie Garnier Delaporte, Sancerre - https://www.galerie.garnierdelaporte.com


In addition to the outline of future objectives, three other studies are in preparation for 2023. News to follow closely!

Véronique Lafont has been exhibiting for around thirty years. Let’s take a look at some of these most recent events.


  1. Galerie Cécile Dufay, Paris, FR (duet with Makoto Muranaka)
  2. Private mill, Arcy-sur-Cure (Burgundy), FR
  3. Priory of Vausse (Burgundy), FR, (duet with Marc Tanguy)
  4. Château de Monthelon, Montreal, FR, (duet with Marc Tanguy)
  5. Gallery Sabra, Lyon, FR


2022 + 2013 + 2010. Festival of Art and Creation, Salt attic, Avallon, FR

2021 + 2019 + 2018. Art Fair Art Up! with Galerie Garnier Delaporte, Lille, FR

2020 + 2019. Salon Comparisons, Grand Palais, Paris, FR

  1. Guest of honor at the 66th Salon de Charenton, Charenton-le-Pont, FR



  1. La Grange Gallery, Cernay-Lès-Reims, Champagne, FR, Like a slight setback

2017 - 2022. Galerie Garnier Delaporte, Sancerre, FR

2017 - 2022. Amélie Maison d’art, Paris, FR

2017 - 2021. L’Œil Listen Gallery, Lyon, FR

  1. AROA Gallery, Neuilly-sur-Seine, FR
  2. Maison Jules Roy, Vézelay, FR



Artension, Miroir de l’art, Towns and Territories, Paris Capitale, Madame Figaro Japon, Madame Figaro France, Biba, Le Point, Zurban, Milk Magazine, etc. + Regional press.

2021. France Bleu Auxerre, FR, It will eventually become known


Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Monaco, Spain, United Kingdom, Switzerland, United States


  1. Paintings for “Slovak Spree”, by Lionel-Édouard Martin -

Le Réalgar Éditions, St-Étienne, FR,

  1. “Fire Thief, Pyrotechnic Meditations” Artist’s notebook n° 11, paintings and original head prints, text by Lionel-Édouard Martin - Bordeaux, FR,


Born in 1969 in Gironde. Workshop in northern Burgundy, near Avallon.

Publié par Viviane VGM, Rédactrice du Magazine Artist La marque.

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