SCOOP! ARTIST across the Channel!
Opening beyond the French border? The subject of reflection is on the agenda of many “video” or face-to-face meetings. The whole team has been on war footing for a few months now. On the edge, as caring as they are go-getters, between wisdom and the power to perform small miracles, François and Brigitte want to try the experience. Today is D-Day.
The scoop? ARTIST so it exports to the United Kingdom Yes !
The same story in English original version. We stay as a family, the new recruit is none other than Brigitte’s big sister. She is in the front row in some ways and she adheres to everything. London, a capital with global influence, has been its home for more than 20 years. Fashion, Culture, Export, Digital Sales and Marketing, Customer Relations, his CV inspired confidence to take on the challenge.
Exactly in the same spirit, copied and pasted to the concept ARTIST and to its organization, Christine Ashcroft will work with the troupe of his French peers, his new collaborators. But in the language of Shakespeare or the Beatles! His office becomes the laboratory of the Art-à-Porter brand on the other side of the Channel and the North Sea. A first experiment in developing the concept abroad. “Choir” training.
So what is it that our “so British” friends like so much?
The whole world envies us our idols and our French style. French fashion is an institution. France occupies an important place in this discipline combining art, know-how and industry.
The French woman is a myth, the woman ARTIST, an artist. Everything is perfectly natural to her, no need to overdo it, she has mischievous refinement and allure in her blood... With this little extra thing, unspeakable, which seduces the whole world. The French is annoying because it always looks like she hasn't done anything to be that chic.
Jane Birkin, the most Frenchie of the English, has left her mark on fans from the sixties to the present day, and more broadly on the history of fashion.
Less is more!
In Great Britain and Ireland, women aficionados of the monogram ARTIST want to free themselves from the English style, from its unfailing extravagance. From punk-rock to the elegance of a beige trench coat, the English dress style oscillates from one extreme to another. British fashion is differentiated by its singularity and its absence of rules. No forbidden color combinations or prints to avoid. And since fashion rhymes with comfort, this dressing room is often close to eccentricity.
Moreover, the emblematic creators ofARTIST remain curious about this “excessive” universe. Observers in search of any new source of inspiration, Brigitte and François closely follow stylists like Mary Katrantzou, a new rising generation, or Christopher Kane, Stella Mac Cartney, without forgetting the inimitable Vivienne Westwood, and many others.
The style ARTIST is often defined as elegant, timeless, casual. In ARTIST nor her co-producers are the type to follow trends to the letter.
A free woman, a free brand!
Stay stylish from morning to evening, change your look with a simple twist: change the vest for the jacket. The addition of the scarf makes the difference. Imperceptibly distil the French Touch. There pretty pair of earrings and the falsely disheveled lock of hair, the woman ARTIST is irresistible.
« It is the strength of France, of French representation that embodies ARTIST which my clients are delighted with. Because her style is never boring, they want to fill their wardrobe with clothes that will never go out of style and combine them endlessly. Compose their wardrobe in a style ARTIST Perfect. » analyzes Christine, the brand new manager of the very first export zone.
Who knows ? Maybe there will be a “ ARTIST effect on Kate Middleton?
In any case, dear Christine, delighted to welcome you. Welcome ! Welcome! May your new job be successful!
Publié par Viviane VGM, Rédactrice du Magazine Artist La marque.
Félicitations …🇬🇧🇫🇷🥂
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Bonjour! que voila une bonne nouvelle, moi qui m’habille(ait) anglaise depuis de vingt ans avnt de découvrir ARTIST (c’est peut etre pour cela qu’artist me plait peut etre : une english touch décalée, élégante mais hors sentiers balisés)
Bref je n’ai pas compris deux choses dans la présentation : est ce qu’il y aura des collections séparée french et anglaise et, dans cette dernière hypothèse, pourront nous, nous de ce coté de la Manche, acheter chez nos meilleurs ennemis?
Sinon, heum…je sais que vous etes trés occupés mais comment puis je vous renvoyer le gilet d’au apradis qui ne me va pas?
bonne journée et à vendredi pour alice au pays des merveilles
Good idea ! ;-) Forever beautifull ! :-)