Artists / Craftsmen :
The Greeks called the artisan and the artist by the same name “tekhnitès”.
The word “tekhnè” used to designate art and also craftsmanship, named a mode of knowledge and not of manufacturing.
The artist creates work, cultivates or masters an art, a knowledge, a technique. For many years, Brigitte and François have been going to meet them. They have a knack for spotting painters, visual artists, sculptors, photographers, noticing their creativity, their poetry.
But on the long road that led them to ARTIST since 2020, they have continued to come across many other outstanding creators in crafts and industry (weaving factories, knitting, printing, embroidery, accessories of all kinds).
For them, the main thing is to be creative above all and how many times they have been amazed, surprised, touched by the work of all these people combined.
They have been roaming galleries, art fairs, artists' studios as well as raw materials factories for a while now. They scrutinize and come into contact with this prodigious textile industry very closely.
“We don’t want to see any difference between the two. They are all artists in their own right in the sense that these craftsmen are dedicated to the expression of beauty.
In both cases, the studio pair ARTIST adores this passion, admires these efforts, impressed by this relentless will, often beyond stubbornness, sometimes to the point of pugnacity.

The work of an artisan is worth artistic creation. The route is similar, very comparable: theskill acquired through learning, knowledge developed through observation, practice, experimentation.
“…Twenty times on the loom hand in your work…” Extract from Poetic Art, Nicolas Boileau – 1674.
The originality of the concept ARTIST multiplies talents. All the talents, all the gestures.
It is not surprising to arrive at Art-à-Porter collections resulting from emotions, reflection, production, actions, and surpassing oneself.
Homage to Italian manufacturing :
So it’s a “homage” theme in a way. To thank these partner companies for working with them. To send thanks and compliments to all these hidden talents that they respect so much.
It is to them, these women and men of Art thatARTIST dedicate this special collection deliberately named:
To build this next winter wardrobe, the choices came down to two of the best printers and two fabulous weavers from the Como or Prato region in Italy, with whom technical developments resulted in exclusives. From generation to generation, these goldsmiths of textile reproduction progress, innovate, invent adapted systems, finishes and so many other things. They seek the latest digital printing techniques to imagine the new, the never before seen, the future.
The designed and colorful prints for this story are available on a top, a dress, a tunic and a cardigan.
The photo gallery against a backdrop of ancient stones in a Burgundy cloister makes you want everything! Difficult to choose!
In the category of incomparable fabrics, an industrialist has skillfully worked an incredible jacquard in which a superb coat and a very original sweater have been made.
The so-called cut thread technique is a very particular and unusual type of weaving. In fact, during this weaving, the weft threads used to create the pattern on the right side are cut at the back and thus present short fringes. Cutting requires time and precision. The two sides of the fabric, the front and the back, have different appearances. On each side, the reliefs give it a precious appearance.
The other fabric presents itself as a derivative, an interpretation, a renewal of jeans. Like spotted or speckled, all in subtlety, this modern material with a beautiful outfit has been developed for a jacket, pants and a pinafore dress. Everything can be worn every day, in all places and in all circumstances, comfortably casual and impeccable in appearance.
In this collection, ARTIST expresses its full consideration to all art professions linked to Ready-to-Wear, from upstream to downstream. Here, Italian fabrics specifically designed and beautifully crafted constitute true works, masterfully created by ARTisans/ARTists.
François G., co-founder, has the final words:
“The other day I received as a gift the latest book fromIbrahim MAALOUF, sublime trumpeter, who begins with this sentence from Albert Einstein:
« To invent is to think outside the box ».
Open “TAPESTRY” session from Friday August 26 on Sunday, September 4, 2022.
Publié par Viviane VGM, Rédactrice du Magazine Artist La marque.