Weaving bonds
When you create Art-à-Porter collections, when you have the textile and artistic fiber deeply rooted in your body, it's impossible to miss Italy!
All the more reason when his maternal origins and his youthful memories rhyme with “Dolce Vita” as is the case of François G. one of the two founders ofARTIST.
We know it but it bears repeating, the brand chooses its raw materials and accessories from European manufacturers, more precisely in France a one Italy.
For the theme " TAPESTRY ”, the style office worked on its toned and singing accent as there to say “Grazie Mille” to four of its ingenious suppliers from the Como and Prato regions. The reputation of their production is well established and yet they all continue to innovate and seduce with constantly improving weaving or printing qualities.
Just like in France where we hold ancestral and inimitable manufacturing secrets, theItaly also cultivates its know-how with companies using appreciated traditional methods, sought after throughout the world.
This country has been able to highlight and preserve the particularities of its craftsmanship. La Botte thus offers a multitude of noble professions combining past/present/future.
Its success often results from the centuries-old legacy of refined practices and excellence in the arts, a legacy perpetuated since the time of the Renaissance if not well before. Italy has always been renowned for this mastery, the source of an impressive number of masterpieces that have survived the centuries. A balanced mix between creativity and industry which has generated its influence.
Expert gestures, techniques mastered in execution as well as in restoration, transformation, the full extent of intuitive genius is transmitted from generation to generation, often in the same family. The flame shines in the knowing glances between fathers and sons, uncles and nephews. The desire to go higher with the cousins, to think outside the box with the apprentices, to tirelessly ensure the passing of the baton.
Even today, we come to a tailor who, with fantasy in his heart, explains his love of beauty and well-made goods.
In the collection « TAPESTRY », two printers and two weavers have therefore signed a fine collaboration with ARTIST. Prints that are both fine and striking are full of colorful details to highlight a top, a tunic, a dress, irresistible! An original pattern for reinterpreted jeans, sprinkled with a light speckling, discreetly. A jacquard with contours highlighted with delicately fringed threads enhances a luminous coat.
Who says "Fatto in Italia" thinks quality and elegance in the textile, artistic, fashion, design, gastronomy sectors. Industrial sectors constantly work with creators, never one without the other.
Between history and virtuosity, Italy’s capacity is to with reinvent in a visionary improvisation.
Publié par Viviane VGM, Rédactrice du Magazine Artist La marque.