They collaborated! The project responded to a common and very specific desire: singularity. Instinctively, the contagion worked.

The balance and extreme simplicity of Félicie Vignat's canvas reflect the new ARTIST collection, on presentation from June 9 to 18, 2023: “FRAGMENTS”.

There is a similar energy there. The movement of the painter's gestures is reflected in the fluidity, flexibility and comfort of the clothes. The rigor of their respective work is felt and observed: we speak of the same perseverance.

The vibrations of this painting led to a renewed creativity for the Art-à-Porter brand.

In the studio of the artist Félicie Vignat as in the ARTIST studio, we feel the force of inventiveness. For the signatory of the original work, her use of lines and volumes, her tracings in ink, oil or acrylic, show her the path to follow, going so far as to decide the extent and the order of things. Thus an environment is born which imposes itself on it with vigor and firmness.

Among the two stylists who started from the canvas, an idea of ​​the direction to follow already existed. The beginnings of their new sartorial story were being refined. Influenced by shapes with seemingly simple contours, clean and subtle lines, their theme “FRAGMENTS” was confirmed, validated by
the harmonious agreement between the initial painting and the final realization.

On arrival, the ambition of a very assertive collection is achieved: velvety materials, impertinence of colors, audacity of shapes. In perfect resonance with the spirit of the artistic work of Félicie Vignat.

Its Influences:

When asked what she was influenced by, she replies that she doesn't know.
And she specifies that this color or this shape is imposed on her, that she has no choice, that she cannot do otherwise.

Thus, it is a pure instinctive gesture, which goes beyond her, which brings her to this “emptiness full of energy”. Like the desert, its inspiring place above all else. “In the desert, there is nothing, there is everything… The full and the empty…” she writes to us.

How does she begin her work?

It's all in the preparation: choosing and creating colors, opting for a sturdier canvas or the fragility of paper. Then, great concentration and pose of 1is jet, from 1re intention… Everything begins then, no other choice but to continue. One gesture calls for another, one color links to another. The pure, ingenuous, almost candid shapes appear in a play of transparencies and opacities created during the intuitive strokes of the brush. Introduce a rhythm, give substance to the finesse of the colors and the density of the tones of black.

When is it over?

It's over when the work brings something else to it, another opening, even in its possible imperfection and yet in perfect balance. “When I no longer know where to drive it” FV.

Her approach:

Figurative and the observation of reality, today his work is abstract, without the need to reproduce the visible.

« … A work constructed, instinctive, and carrying its own light…” FV.

Focusing on the richness of colors, materials and transparencies, she shapes her own writing day by day which is born from the complexity of her forms, which are as simple as they are sublimely aesthetic.

Ses Expo. :

The very first was in 1992 in Paris. Since then, his creations have been acquired by numerous collectors and exhibited both in public places (cultural centers, contemporary art centers and salons) and in private spaces (galleries, individuals). Also participates in the Day of Artists' Workshops in the Occitanie region

The most recent events:


Galerie Jérôme Morcillo, Albi (81)


Notre-Dame-de-la-Croix Chapel, Marciac (32)

Gallery House of the stream, Conilhac Corbières (11)

Maison Gramont, international contemporary art exhibition, Fanjeaux (11)

Participant in the project “Le Cercle de l’Art” season 1

White Walls Art Hunter, Paris

Gallery October, Toulouse


Gallery October, Toulouse


  • “Friends of artists” solidarity action on social networks
  • The Arts on a Walk in Toulouse (31)
  • 43°Salon de St Antonin Nobleval (81)


White Walls Art Hunter, Paris

ALTIGONE cultural center, Toulouse (31)

Open days of Occitanie workshops (31)

Outreloire Gallery, Nevers (58)


How to meet her?

Visit to the WORKSHOP by appointment,

645 route des Mûriers - 31380 Saint Jean Lherm - (20 km northeast Toulouse)
06 03 22 61 63


1988 to 1992 Studies in architecture, Toulouse and Paris (La Villette).
1993 to 1996 Ateliers des Beaux-Arts de Paris (Paris 17th) in the studio of the painter François Bard,
Beaux-Arts-Glacière workshops (Paris 14th), with the painter Martin Bissière.

Publié par Viviane VGM, Rédactrice du Magazine Artist La marque.

1 comment

  • Anonymous

    Je connais Félicie depuis quelques années déjà et à chaque fois elle m’a toujours étonnée pour la hardiesse de son travail , par sa classe, aussi bien dans son travail que dans la vie courante ! Son œuvre se construit jour après jour sans concession et avec l’humilité des grands artistes ! Car comme beaucoup de peintres , Félicie ne se end pas compte de son talent et c’est aussi pour moi une vraie artiste qui ne cède jamais aux sirènes de la flatterie et de la facilité.
    Bref , vous l’aurez compris j’ai une grande admiration pour sa personne et son travail et je comprends très bien que vous ayiez été séduits par ses tableaux !
    Artist La marque:
    Bonsoir ,Et bien, nous n’avons rien à ajouter devant tant d’éloges pour Félicie VIGNAT. Nous sommes en parfait accord avec vous. Merci et belle soirée Brigitte et François Le 6 juin 2023 à 20:43, a écrit :

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