Production started!
Good morning,
I'm Cécile, production manager at Artist.
Many thanks. Once again, there are many of us co-producing this collection.
By ordering ARTIST and agreeing to wait a few weeks you allow us to keep you informed of the different stages of production.
We love sharing our know-how, and raising awareness about the fashion professions.
By joining forces, we will enable the production of fabrics from our 100% French & Italian suppliers.
The icing on the cake is that we will produce the right quantities, without overproduction, because we know exactly the quantities needed, and thus we avoid any waste.
Production is well and truly underway.
All orders were placed with our fabric and accessories suppliers at the beginning of last week.
The rolls of fabrics & accessories will arrive during the second half of September in our warehouses in the heart of our pretty Burgundy.
Once I have carried out a quality control on the placement of the prints, the colorimetry, the quality of the fabrics & accessories, we will ship all of this to our manufacturing workshops.
Do not hesitate to ask us any questions if you have any, we will be happy to answer them.
See you soon,