03 73 35 51 53      9  -  19 h

The artist of collection #10 “The new world”

In May, what will you reveal?
The new world”: great program, no?
In May, which please us?
Share with you the work of the artist Marion Legouy who gave us joined for our upcoming session.

On the occasion of the very next sale from May 14 to 23, 2021, ARTIST has in fact signed a new collaboration with the emblematic artist of painted weaving. She is our guest of honor for these exceptional days, accompanied by her painting “ the new world ».

Yes, but for whom? For you: “Women-Artist” who are worth it more than anything in the world!

Yes, but why, how? It is the choice ofARTIST who put the work under the microscope. Brigitte and François have recomposed a textile construction and tell you this story sewn with green, bronze, ochre, white, gray and red threads.

Originally it was a poplar that inspired the selected work, itself taken from a triptych from 2017. Entering art through engraving, Marion Legouy has kept from her practice as an engraver the love of paper. She first painted the slender tree with soft, white wood on the pages of the newspaper Le Monde, and she remade the world! Old news recycled, another reality installed on the one presented to us, the page of yesterday's facts has become painting, painting: weaving, weaving: relief.

From brush to scissors, she traced and composed the relationship between shape, material, texture and colors. After carefully cutting her painting into strips, she opened up, worked and braided.

The assembly and gluing phases were just as carefully executed to finally display or hang. It depends, but always, the tactile work moves, vibrates with the movements of the air or the viewer or the vibrations of an upside-down world!

For the record, “Le monde nouveau” was the last painted on the daily Le Monde as a backdrop. Fortunately, his art has retained all its soul. In certain series, she still interweaves strips of paper but on bases other than this famous newspaper. Like her practice, we could say that at the crossroads, she took a new direction, undoubtedly to give new meaning.

In our latest collection, you will discover 4 sets of graphic prints, sometimes blended and sometimes strong, available on a few high and low pieces with their plain coordinates. The colors are reminiscent of plants.

With the green of the theme, we immediately feel the oxygen invading us with the desire to breathe deeply.

Beyond this locker room at the heart of which Marion Legouy occupies a preponderant place, let's take advantage of this moment to get to know each other better.

How is your work going?
M.L. : “By chance, casually, thinking of something else. I start without certainty of going to the end. I remember something else that I will also start. And suddenly, that's where it starts, in the middle of nowhere. Entanglements and crossings are similar to weaving. I use the weft thread to glimpse my painting path. Under the influence of the assembly, of the dominant colors, I cut vertically and horizontally. I let myself be surprised by mixing my works, I try not to contradict their meaning, I multiply the outcomes. The ending is different from the initial idea. »

When do you know it’s over?
M.L: “It’s coming to the surface and who knows why it’s still hanging in the air at that moment! For me, the work is never finished but I know that at some point I leave it. »

Marion's past shines through in her tastes, her production and her journey. She interweaves her love of painting with that of all artistic crafts (basketry, tapestry, sculpture, etc.)

A lover of paper, the artist reveals its intrinsic beauty through her drawings, her canvases, and her woven structures. The paper material remains sacred; favorite support that she handles finely. She heckles him carefully without ever manhandling him. Today, therefore, it is on blank or already drawn paper, on color grading residue, on discarded strips, on reused scraps that she develops her talent.

Her current period infuses her with landscapes which she then treats like marquetry, the patient artisanal gesture.

The works are presented to the public in wall hangings or kakemonos, in offbeat, unexpected installations. When suspended, some of these unique and reversible creations surprise the visitor with their double-sided design!

Very recent, this botanical cycle targets the organic, the tree-like and also offers all the pictorial power of the flower. Marion is delighted with her new sensations, her impregnations which allow her to move forward, to unfold.

We will meet her again at the end of the session to discuss other subjects that are close to her heart. See you on May 23!

Marion Legouy, French artist, graduate of the Beaux-Arts de Paris, lives and works in the Paris region.
Vice-President of La Fonderie, an artistic creation center in Fontenay-sous-Bois (94). www.la-fonderie.org


Discover the artist's presentation video

(click on the image below)

Découvrez la vidéo de présentation de l'artiste


Publié par Viviane VGM, Rédactrice du Magazine Artist La marque.


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