Jacky Robert or “a painting of Nimes”
by Viviane VGM
18 months ago ARTIST spots a “toile de Nîmes” and thus titles the theme resulting clothing.
A child of Nîmes, Jacky Robert, lives and practices h...
by Viviane VGM
All the blue of the Mediterranean, a feminized marine spirit, a marine painting by the artist Jacky Robert… The theme of the next session will be...
Do you know the true story of La toile de Nîmes?
by Viviane VGM
“The canvas of Nîmes” will be the next artistic inspiration chosen in unison by Brigitte and François. This is actually the revealing title of thei...
SALE OF OUR MINI STOCKS: how does it work?
by brigitte martin
Sale of ARTIST mini-stocks: April 19/20 and 21, 2024
by Viviane VGM
ARTIST is organizing a special sales weekend for you!
The emblem ofART-à-PORTERdesigns beautiful clothes that provoke good feelings and sweep away...
Full sun, full summer!
by Viviane VGM
« … Under the sun exactly, not next to it, not anywhere, ...just below …»
ARTIST announces a shock duo between its mid-summer Ready-to-Wear line a...
VIDEO: Presentation of the artist Antoine PETEL
by brigitte martin
Antoine PETEL sculpts summer for ARTIST
by Viviane VGM
Between painting and sculpture, the works of Antoine PETEL today combine metal, ceramic and bright colors that echo the universe of ARTIST.
A visua...
Artist draws part of his strength from the Visual Artists
by Viviane VGM
In his thousand interests in art, ARTIST draws part of his strength from the Plastic Arts.
The Studio BF knows how to bring the ideas of others i...
ARTIST launches its “PERMANENT” range Friday March 15
by Viviane VGM
ARTIST launches its “PERMANENT” range
ARTIST shakes up its codes and launches a range of pants that are permanently accessible.
Following the succe...
THE PERMANENTS: we explain everything to you in video!
by brigitte martin
ARTIST: every day, every woman
by Viviane VGM
Officially dedicated to the fight for women's rights, March 8 is sometimes misunderstood. It even happens that the relevance and validity of this d...
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